03 March 2025

Manage Jobs Growth Wales

You can access the JGW+ (Jobs Growth Wales + Wage Subsidy) screen by clicking the JGW+ tab in the left-hand pane.

The JGW+ tab

This will open the Jobs Growth Wales + Wage Subsidy tab, where you can manage the learner's wage subsidy data.

The JGW+ screen

Wage subsidy data is included in the LLWR return from 2021/22 onwards.

To add or edit a wage subsidy record:

  1. Click the Add button on the Learner ribbon.

    Add button

    A row is added to the grid.

    Jobs Growth Wales + Wage Subsidy grid

    Alternatively, select an existing record.

  2. Enter or edit the relevant details.

The fields on Jobs Growth Wales + Wage Subsidy grid are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Wage Subsidy ID The wage subsidy ID.
Learning Programme (LP04) The learner programme record.
Employer ID The employer’s id.
Start Date The start date of the subsidy.
Expected End Date The expected end date of the subsidy.
End Date The actual end date of the subsidy.
Wage Rate The wage rate.
Created By The user that created the record. This is populated automatically.
Updated By The user that last updated the record. This is populated automatically.
Acceptance Status The subsidy acceptance status
Wage Contribution The wage contribution amount.
Expected Working Hours The expected working hours.
State Aid The state aid value
Delete Flag Whether to delete.
Learner Furloughed Whether the learner is on furlough.
Created Date The date that the record was created. This is populated automatically.
Updated Date The date that the record was last updated. This is populated automatically.