Manage Jobs Growth Wales
You can access the JGW+ (Jobs Growth Wales + Wage Subsidy) screen by clicking the JGW+ tab in the left-hand pane.
This will open the Jobs Growth Wales + Wage Subsidy tab, where you can manage the learner's wage subsidy data.
Wage subsidy data is included in the LLWR return from 2021/22 onwards.
To add or edit a wage subsidy record:
Click the Add button on the Learner ribbon.
A row is added to the grid.
Alternatively, select an existing record.
Enter or edit the relevant details.
The fields on Jobs Growth Wales + Wage Subsidy grid are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Wage Subsidy ID | The wage subsidy ID. |
Learning Programme (LP04) | The learner programme record. |
Employer ID | The employer’s id. |
Start Date | The start date of the subsidy. |
Expected End Date | The expected end date of the subsidy. |
End Date | The actual end date of the subsidy. |
Wage Rate | The wage rate. |
Created By | The user that created the record. This is populated automatically. |
Updated By | The user that last updated the record. This is populated automatically. |
Acceptance Status | The subsidy acceptance status |
Wage Contribution | The wage contribution amount. |
Expected Working Hours | The expected working hours. |
State Aid | The state aid value |
Delete Flag | Whether to delete. |
Learner Furloughed | Whether the learner is on furlough. |
Created Date | The date that the record was created. This is populated automatically. |
Updated Date | The date that the record was last updated. This is populated automatically. |