03 March 2025

Learner Photographs

To take a photograph of a learner, you will need a webcam attached to a PC. The Learner module supports ‘plug and play’ cameras (depending on whether Windows recognises the camera in this way).

The photograph control is on the right-hand side of the Learner Details screen.

Learner photograph

This pane is minimised by default, so you need to click the expand arrow in the pane to display the learner photo.

Learner photograph - Expand arrow

From the photograph control, you can:

You can also import learner photographs in bulk (for example: from a CD or local directory) on the Imports screen providing the photo names include the learner's ID.

The learner ID type to use (for example: Person Code) can be set in the Learner identified by institution setting.

To access the Imports screen, click the Imports button on the System ribbon.

Imports button

This will display the Imports screen.

Imports screen

From the Imports screen, you can use the Import Learner Images wizard to import learner photographs in bulk: