Legal and Alternative Names
In ebs, the combination of forename, middle names and surname are considered to be the legal name.
These fields are stored in the ebs database as:
The NSI can store many different alternative names for a learner. However in ebs, a learner can only have one alternative name. A learner in ebs will be considered to have an alternative name if either of the Alt Forenames or Alt Surname fields have a value.
These fields are stored as:
If the Alt Forenames and Alt Surname fields are both populated, the alternative name will be taken to be the Alt Forenames and Alt Surname fields (PEOPLE.PREVIOUS_FORENAME + PEOPLE.PREVIOUS_SURNAME).
If the Alt Forenames field is populated but the Alt Surname field is not, the alternative name will be taken to be the Alt Forenames and Surname fields (PEOPLE.PREVIOUS_FORENAME + PEOPLE.SURNAME).
If the Alt Forenames field is not populated but the Alt Surname is populated, the alternative name will be taken to be the Forename and Middle Names and Alt Surname field (PEOPLE.FORENAME + PEOPLE.MIDDLE_NAMES + PEOPLE.PREVIOUS_SURNAME).
The preferred name for the learner can be selected as either the legal name or the alternative name.
For example: if an update to the NSI has the alternative forenames and/ or alternative surname selected, the alternative name to pass to the NSI will be defined by the above rules.