Applicable to institutions in New Zealand onlyNSN-NSI

The National Student Index (NSI) is a database system maintained by the Ministry of Education. This system is used to allocate a unique identifier, a National Student Number (NSN) to every tertiary learner and National Certificate of Education Achievement (NCEA) candidate. When a learner has been assigned an NSN they retain this number even if they study at different institutions over different years.

Note: The NSN does not replace the identification numbers that ebs will assign to learners for internal purposes.

This user guide describes the steps necessary to set up, collect and maintain the NSN. The NSN is a unique identifier assigned by the system to each learner on the NSI. Each NSN is individually generated by an algorithm.

Different ebs modules allow users to interface with the NSI. This is primarily in order to obtain NSN values for learners. The NSN value for a learner is a required value for the Single Data Return (SDR).

The NSN functionality in ebs is contained in the ebs Learner module and the ebs NSN module.

An NSI record is unique to a learner and records basic identification details. The fields on the NSI include:

The name field at the top of the record is referred to as the ‘Main name’ field. All other names are recorded in what is referred to as the alternative name section.

This user guide uses screenshots of the standard ebs: central screens as shipped. If the screens shown in this user guide differ from those shown in your version of ebs: central, it may be due to configuration changes that have been made in the institution (for example: SMC changes), or due to updates in later versions of the software.

The NSI processes are driven by the state of a learner. These different states and the types of actions that are relevant to these states are described in the following sections:

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