Action Search Results

When you have selected the required demographic fields to search on, click the Search button.

Search button

The search results from the NSI will be displayed in the NSI Results section. The search results will be displayed in descending order of the match ‘Ranking’ value. The most likely matches (that is: those with the highest ranking value) will be at the top.

When an item is selected in the NSI Results section, the full set of NSI fields and their corresponding ebs values will be displayed in the Person Details section.

NSI Search window

When you have created a search, you can use the buttons at the top of the NSI Search window to action the NSI record.

Add, Update ebs and Update NSI buttons

If the search successfully identifies an NSI record as matching an ebs record, you can then match the ebs record with the NSI record. You can also update the NSI record with data from the ebs record.

If you cannot successfully identify a NSI record as matching an ebs record, you can then add a learner record to the NSI.