Perform NSI Actions
When you have opened the NSI Search window, you can perform the following actions:
- Search for a learner - search the NSI
- Match a learner - match NSI record
- Add a learner - NSI record
- Update a learner - update NSI record
The behaviour of the search is then determined by the state of the learner:

If the learner does not have an existing NSN, the search will be pre-populated with the existing learner values for the following fields:
- Forename
- Middle Names
- Surname
- Alt Forenames
- Alt Surname
- Date of Birth
- Gender
- Residential Status

If the learner has a verified NSN, the search will be pre-populated with the NSN value and the search will automatically be actioned when the window is opened.
If the learner has an existing NSN, the NSN section of the search will be pre-populated with the existing NSN.

If the learner has an unverified NSN, the search will be pre-populated with the NSN value but the search will not automatically be actioned when the window is opened.
If the learner does not have an existing NSN, the search will be pre-populated with the existing learner values as described above and will use the Demographic section of the search.
There are two types of search available in the NSI Search window, either a NSN search, or a Demographic search.