03 March 2025

Search on Learner Demographic

If the learner does not have an existing NSN, you can search only on learner demographics.

With a demographic search, you can search on either the surname or alternative surname, and either the current forenames or previous forenames, but not a combination of surname and alternative surname, or a combination of current forenames and previous forenames.

The system will filter the returned results by the configured Minimum NSI Ranking for Match institution setting and display the results in a grid format. By default, the search results summary will be displayed in descending ranking order, however you can change the sort order.

Demographic search

The following fields will default to be selected for a demographic search:

  • Surname
  • Forename
  • Known As
  • Middle Names
  • Alt Surname
  • Alt Forenames
  • Date of Birth

Only the demographic fields that have a value will be available for selection for a demographic search.

You can deselect a field to search on if required (for example: if the NSI value is incorrect for a field).