Add an NSI Record
If you cannot find any NSI records that match the ebs learner record, then a new record can be added to the NSI.
Before a new record is added to the NSI, it is recommended that you search the NSI for matching records and check the search results for matching records. In particular, if a demographic search has been performed, you can deselect some of the ebs fields that are submitted as part of the demographic search (for example: Gender or Residential Status) and search the NSI without these fields. This will help to make any matches where the NSI values are different to those values currently held in ebs.
To add a record to the NSI:
Click the Add button on the NSN ribbon.
The Add button is not enabled if an ebs learner record already has a verified NSN and also before a search is performed for a learner without an NSN.
A confirmation message is displayed
- Click Yes on the message to add a new record to the NSI.
When adding a new record, the NSI may determine that the details for the record to be added are similar to an already existing NSI record. In this case, the NSI will not add a new record and you will be alerted that the NSI has returned an override code.
If this occurs, check the search results and do one of the following:
- If an existing NSI record in the search results matches the ebs record, select the matching record in the NSI search results and match to the ebs record. Refer to Match the NSI Record for further information.
If the learner does not have a matching NSI record, then click the Add button again, and then click Yes on the message that is displayed. ebs will attempt to add a new record to the NSI but will pass the override code as an additional indicator to the NSI that the search results have been re-checked and the new record is to be added to the NSI.
When the record has been added to the NSI, the NSN value for the new record will then be saved against the ebs record. If there is any error with the add process, an error message is displayed.