Manage Pending Learners
To manage pending learners, click the Manage NSN button on the Start ribbon.
The Manage NSN screen displays lists of:
- Unregistered learners
- Updated learners
- Unverified learners
These lists are displayed in the Pending Learners section of the Manage NSN screen in three tabs, with one for each list of learner statuses.
The criteria by which learners are displayed in the different lists, and the possible actions to take for each item in the lists are defined below. It is expected that you would work through each of the lists of learners in turn.
The Manage NSN screen consists of the following panels:

The Pending Learners panel consists of the following tabs:
Unregistered - this list shows learners who do not have an NSN but are enrolled on active course occurrences. These are typically learners who have been enrolled but the user did not interact with the NSI at the point of enrolment.
You can deal with any learners who were not checked against the NSI at the point of enrolment in the NSN module. To do this you can search the NSI for matching records and then either match to an existing NSI record or add a new NSI record.
The way in which the criteria determine which learners are displayed in the Unregistered tab in the left-hand pane is defined in the relevant institution settings.
Updated - this list contains learners who have a verified NSN but fields that the NSI have an interest in have been updated in ebs since the last NSI interaction for the learner (that is: there are field values that potentially need to be updated on the NSI).
You can search the NSI by the NSN value for matching records and then either update the NSI record or ignore the item so that the learner is no longer in this list.
Unverified - this list contains learners who have a NSN value but this value has not been confirmed with the NSI. This will typically consist of learners who have been enrolled and believe they know their National Student Number (NSN). This NSN value has been entered in ebs but the NSN value has not been confirmed with the NSI.
In this situation, the NSN value could be invalid or it could be a valid NSN but not be associated with this learner, possibly because the learner could not remember their NSN value correctly or it was mistyped into ebs.

The Search section is at the top centre of the Manage NSN screen.
There are two types of search:
- NSN search where the NSN is known
- Demographic search where the NSN is not known and biographical information from the learner record is used to search the NSI database for a potential match

The search results from the NSI will be displayed in the in the NSI Results section when the NSI has returned the results for the search.

The Person Details section is in the right-hand pane of the screen. When an NSI record is selected in the NSI Results section, then these fields in both sides of the pane will be populated.