Match the NSI Record
When you have identified a NSI record as representing the same person as the learner record in ebs, you can match the two records. However, before matching the record, select the set of fields in the NSI section that you want to update from the NSI to the ebs record.
By default, the following NSI fields will be selected to update to ebs:
- NSN (This cannot be deselected)
- Date of Birth
- Name Verification
- Residential Status
- Residential Verification
- NZQA Paid
- NSI Status
You can select other fields by selecting the corresponding check boxes in the NSI pane of the Person Details section.
You can also select or deselect all the NSI fields by clicking the Select All or Unselect All button as required on the NSN ribbon.
When you have selected the set of NSI fields that you want to update the equivalent ebs fields with, click the Update EBS button on the NSN ribbon to action the match operation.
If the ebs record already has an NSN value, you are prompted to confirm that you want to overwrite the existing ebs NSN value.
When the match operation is completed successfully, a confirmation message is displayed.
The ebs NSN value will always be updated to match the relevant NSI value for a match operation. If there is any error with the match process, an error message will be displayed.