Search the NSI
You can search for matching records on the NSI either by a NSN value or by learner demographics. If the learner has a verified NSN value, users can only search for a matching record on the NSI via the NSN value.
Use the Search panel to:

If a learner has a verified NSN value, users can only search against the NSI using the NSN value. If a learner is unverified, users can search by either a NSN value or by demographics.
If you want to search for a learner who has a verified NSN using the Demographic search, the existing (verified) NSN value for the learner must be cleared first in their learner record.

To search for an NSI record using the Demographic search, select the set of demographic fields to search on from the list of fields provided in the search pane.
Only the demographic fields that have a value in the ebs database record will be available for selection for a demographic search. These are notified by text next to the field and a check box is selected. Individual fields can be further ignored by clearing the check box next to the field.
You can deselect a field to search on if required (for example: if the NSI value is incorrect for a field).

When the required demographic fields to search on have been selected, click the Search button on the NSN ribbon.
The search results from the NSI will be displayed in the NSI Results section when the NSI has returned the results for the search. The search results will be displayed in descending order of the match ‘Ranking’ value. The most likely matches (that is: those with the highest ranking value) will be at the top.
If the search successfully identifies an NSI record as matching an ebs record, you can then match the ebs record with the NSI record. You can also update the NSI record with data from the ebs record.
If you cannot successfully identify a NSI record as matching an ebs record, you can then add a learner record to the NSI.