NETBANX is a legacy integration for Paysafe. New customers should refer to the Paysafe integration for online payments.
Paysafe NETBANX is a third party supplier which is integrated with ebs to process online payments. You must contact NETBANX to agree a contract.
When you have negotiated a contract and been through the testing process with NETBANX you are ready to start the configuration with ebs. At this point you should have received a URL from NETBANX that is specific to your organisation.
When a People Unit record is created in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub, the following process is undertaken:
- An ePayment transaction is created with the status of Requested
When a learner selects to pay for the course(s) they want to enrol on, the ebs: ontrack Learner Hub payment page displays the NETBANX payment form embedded
To load the NETBANX form, ebs: ontrack Learner Hub sends the necessary parameters along with an MD5 checksum using a unique key (known only by the institution and NETBANX) to verify the origin of the call.
The learner enters their payment details and submits the form to NETBANX
All validation of the learner's payment details is done directly through NETBANX and at no point does ebs: ontrack Learner Hub handle any of the card details.
- If the payment is successful, the NETBANX server calls the ebs: ontrack Learner Hub server directly to run a script to update the ePayment status of the transaction to Paid
The learner is redirected by NETBANX to the confirmation page
NETBANX pass the same structure of parameters and MD5 checksum so the ebs: ontrack Learner Hub server can verify that the call has come from NETBANX. As this call is made over the internet, it is necessary for the ebs: ontrack Learner Hub server to be visible to the NETBANX server.
The institution settings for NETBANX are configured on the following screens (accessed from the Product Modules pane):

The institution settings on the ePayments (Self-Service) screen for NETBANX are shown below.
The fields on the ePayments (Self-Service) screen that are relevant to NETBANX are described in the following table. It is recommended that unused fields are left blank.
This field | Holds this information... |
ePayment provider | The electronic payment provider being used for ebs: ontrack Learner Hub. Select Netbanx from the drop-down list. |
ePayment URL |
The URL provided by NETBANX. This field must include the URL of your payment provider. |
Payment Account ID | The NETBANX account ID. |
Payment Account Key | The NETBANX account key. |
Only use default account code for payments | It is recommended this field is set to N for NETBANX. |
Payment Merchant Reference | The payment merchant reference for NETBANX. |
Default Payment Email Address | The email address to which transaction emails are sent (that is: your ebs: ontrack Learner Hub URL). |
Generate single fee line, use default account code and VAT code only (SCP Only) | It is recommended this field is set to N for NETBANX. |
Payment Host IP Address | The payment host IP address for NETBANX. |
Payment Process Allowed IP Addresses - (Empty=Allow All) | The payment process allowed IP address for NETBANX or leave blank to allow all. |
Only use default VAT code for payments | It is recommended this field is set to N for NETBANX. |
Default VAT code | The default VAT code to use for NETBANX. |
ePayment failure message (Prospect) | The message displayed to learners in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub when payment fails in the institution's payment provider. |

The institution settings on the ePayments (Staff) screen for NETBANX are shown below.
The fields on the ePayments (Staff) screen that are relevant to NETBANX are described in the following table. It is recommended that unused fields are left blank.
This field | Holds this information... |
ePayment provider | The electronic payment provider being used for ebs: central. Select Netbanx from the drop-down list. |
ePayment URL |
The URL provided by NETBANX. This field must include the URL of your payment provider. |
Payment Account ID | The NETBANX account ID. |
Payment Account Key | The NETBANX account key. |
Only use default account code for payments | It is recommended this field is set to N for NETBANX. |
Payment Merchant Reference | The payment merchant reference for NETBANX. |
Default Payment Email Address | The email address to which transaction emails are sent. |
Generate single fee line, use default account code and VAT code only (SCP Only) | It is recommended this field is set to N for NETBANX. |
Payment Host IP Address | The payment host IP address for NETBANX. |
Payment Process Allowed IP Addresses - (Empty=Allow All) | The payment process allowed IP address for NETBANX or leave blank to allow all. |
Only use default VAT code for payments | It is recommended this field is set to N for NETBANX. |
Default VAT code | The default VAT code to use for NETBANX. |
The Method of Transfer That ebs: central Uses For ePayments |
The method of transfer that ebs uses for ePayments. To use the Display payment in popup window setting, contact ebs support as this requires a custom NETBANX implementation. |
The following configuration information for NETBANX is also applicable:

The NETBANX IP address is held in the web.config and does not get overwritten.
The IP address is:
<add key="NetbanxCgiServerIP" value=""/>
This value is what confirms with the ebs system that the response is coming back from the correct location. If you are using an ISA without forwarding the incoming address then this value will need to be amended to be that of your ISA server's IP address.

The server must be set up to allow outward and incoming requests to the NETBANX IP address on ports 80 and 443 (if using SSL).
A blank registry entry is created for a new MD5 integration key when the installer is run. This is called NetbanxKeyV5 and the value should be provided by NETBANX. The value is a unique key and should be entered in the following area of the registry on the relevant server:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/TribalSoftware/EBS/<ebs_instance>/
The following needs to be configured for the ebs: ontrack Learner Hub server:
The ebs: ontrack Learner Hub server path URL in the web.config file must match the URL in IIS on the ebs: ontrack Learner Hub server
The system response from NETBANX is case sensitive.
The .asp extension against the ebs: ontrack Learner Hub website in IIS maps to .net Framework aspnet_isapi.dll not to system32 asp.dll
For example:
- Correct mapping - C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll
- Incorrect mapping - C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\asp.dll
- The server is open on port 80 (include port 443 if using SSL)
- The NETBANX v5 MD5 key is placed in registry
- The NETBANXCGIServer IP address value

When a payment is made in ebs, various tables are populated (for example: FEES_LIST) and a request is sent to the NETBANX server.
The branding of the NETBANX Unified Payment page is determined by the templates that have been agreed between NETBANX and individual institutions. You can brand the header and footer of the NETBANX Unified Payment page if required.
Depending on the learner’s browser settings, a warning may be displayed on the ebs: ontrack Learner Hub page prior to the NETBANX URL that warns the learner they are navigating to a secure payment area and they are not to use the browser Back button for the duration of the payment process.
The payment process for NETBANX depends on the status of the transaction:
- If the payment transaction is successful:
- The learner is automatically navigated to the NETBANX successful payment page
- The resulting NETBANX payment reference (nbx_payment_reference) is stored in the ebs database against the transaction
- An email is sent to the merchant and the learner detailing the transaction amount and NETBANX reference
- A link on the NETBANX successful payment page is available so the learner can navigate to the Homepage in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub
- If the payment transaction fails:
- The payments page on the NETBANX server or the NETBANX failed payment page are displayed, depending on the institution’s implementation
- An email is sent to the merchant but not to the learner
- A link on the page that is displayed is available so the learner can navigate to the Homepage in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub
- If there is a pre-payment error:
- The NETBANX error page is displayed to the learner
- An email is sent to the merchant but not to the learner
- A link on the NETBANX pre-payment error page is available so the learner can navigate to the Homepage in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub
- If there is a pre-transaction error:
- The NETBANX error page or the NETBANX payment page are displayed, depending on the institution's implementation
- No email is sent to the merchant or the learner
- A link on the page that is displayed is available so the learner can navigate to the Homepage in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub
When the request has been sent to NETBANX, their (NETBANX) system will process the request and open up a secure link to the bank where the card details will be authorised. If the card has been authorised, the NETBANX server will generate a unique transaction reference number. This reference is displayed on the page that is shown after a successful ePayment on the learner’s browser. The learner will also receive an email from NETBANX which contains this reference and also the amount debited. An email is also sent to the site confirming whether the payment has been paid or declined.

The learner will receive notifications based on the following:
- When an enrolment has been received, if the Allow enrolment without paying? institution setting is set to Y, the report LENRPEND will be run
- When an enrolment has been received, if the Allow enrolment without paying? institution setting is set to N, the report is triggered by the response from the NETBANX integration:
- When ebs: ontrack Learner Hub receives a successful payment confirmation from NETBANX, the system will send the LENRPAID report to the learner
- When ebs: ontrack Learner Hub receives a failed payment confirmation from NETBANX, the system will send the LENRPEND report to the learner
When NETBANX does not send notification back to ebs: ontrack Learner Hub (that is: if the learner closes the browser window before completing payment), no email will be received by the learner.
Refer to PCI Compliance for further information about how ebs interacts with NETBANX.