Payment Providers
There are a number of third party suppliers which are integrated with ebs to process online payments. Each organisation must contact the payment provider to agree a contract.
The following payment providers can be used:
Note: Netbanx API is not supported for new customers
If you are already processing credit or debit card payments in the institution, you will already have a merchant account. You need to obtain an e-commerce licence number from your merchant to support your application to your payment provider. You then need to use the payment provider as a direct payment gateway.
If you are not processing card payments you may need to use the payment provider to set up a merchant account. Further advice on this should be obtained from your finance departments.
You can test your completed ePayment configuration in the following ways:
Set up a one-off fee for the relevant learner
Note: Refer to Manage Fees for further information.
Process a payment in the following ways:
ePayments - made using the Payments screen in the Enrolments module (for example: a payment processed by a member of staff as a mail order/telephone order (MOTO) or ‘card not present’ payment on behalf of a learner)
Note: Refer to Manage ePayments in the Enrolments Module and Manage Fees for further information.
Self-service payments - during the Enrolments process using the Pay Online button accessed from My Payments in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub (previously known as ebs: ontrack Prospect)
Note: Refer to Manage Payments for further information.
Note: Refer to PCI Compliance for further information about how ebs interacts with ePayment providers.