Data Link Parameters
Data link parameters can be specified as part of the code to get data. For normal parameters the URL needs appending so the end of the URL has p_{parameter_name}=value, for example: p_RegisterKey=12345. You can also use search parameters to return specific information from the database by appending the end of the URL to sp_{parameter_name} so that the parameters are linked together, and then end with either:
- _operator - this is the search operator (for example: StartsWith, EndsWith and so on)
- _value - the actual value that is being searched for
The appended section of the search URL starts with a ‘?’ and must have a ‘&’ between subsequent items, for example:
- ?sp_forename_value=Mich&sp_forename_operator=StartsWith
You can find a list of supported operators that can be used when searching below:
- Equals
- NotEquals
- IsNull
- IsNotNull
- GreaterThan
- LessThan
- GreaterThanOrEqualTo
- LessThanOrEqualTo
- Contains
- StartsWith
- EndsWith
For example: you can use the Data Link REST service to retrieve learner information from a data link in ebs: ontrack Hub. The data link URL for this is http://ebsonewebservices-[dbname].[institutionaddress]/rest/Modules/15866/Screens/LearnerDetails/Data/People?p_personCode=[personcode] with 15866 being the ModuleId for ebs: ontrack Hub, LearnerDetails being the name of the screen and the People data link. To find other screens and data links to use, you will need to use the ontrack Designer module in ebs: central.
Use the following sections in ontrack Designer to configure data links:
- The Screens section contains the different screens to select from
- The Parameters section contains the parameter for the data link
- The Page Details section contains the different data links for a page
When querying the REST service the user can only use the GET method to retrieve data. It is currently not possible to insert data into the data links.