Example Data Links
Use the example data links in this section to retrieve information.
The following list defines examples of modules IDs can be used in place of [moduleID]:
- 15746 - Interfaces
- 15866 - ebs: ontrack Hub
- 16126 - ebs: ontrack Learner Hub
- 15427 - ebs Agent (this is now de-supported)
The following examples show the type of information you can retrieve using data links:

The following URL can be used to retrieve information on a learner.
Where [personcode] is the Person Code of the learner whose details you are attempting to retrieve, using the LearnerDetails screen and the People data link
The output will display the learner information that is stored in the People data link.

The following URL can be used to retrieve event details for a learner.
Where [personcode] is the Person Code of the learner whose event details you are attempting to view, using the LearnerEvents screen and the LearnerEvents data link
The output will display all events the learner is associated with across all occurrences. If you need to filter this down to on specific occurrence then you must add &p_SessionCode=[SessionCode] where [SessionCode] is the code of the session you want to view.

The following URL can be used to retrieve information associated with a course.
Where [uio_id] is the UIO ID of the course whose details you are attempting to retrieve
The output will display the course details in the CourseDetails data link.

The following URL can be used to retrieve fees associated with a course.
Where [uio_id] is the UIO ID of the course whose fee details you are attempting to retrieve, using the CourseFees screen and the FeesSummary data link.
The output will display the course fee details in the FeesSummary data link.

The following URL can be used to retrieve a list of prospectus courses without the need to authenticate (that is: using the Get Data Link Anonymously REST service).
Where p_search=&p_page=0&p_pageSize=50 will retrieve up to 50 courses on one page, using the Prospectus_List page and the Find data link.
The output will display the prospectus list details in the Find data link.