Use Data Links
Use the Data Link REST service to query data by module from the ebs database. This can be used to retrieve data that is not given as part of the other data services as follows:
- Using authentication to access data
- Allowing anonymous access to data
The data link in ebs: ontrack Designer must be configured to allow anonymous access to data (that is: the Is Anonymous Access Allowed? check box selected in the Data Link Details pane to mark the data link as available for anonymous access). This check box is not set by default, including for any existing data links in the system. It is recommended to use this functionality with caution (that is: only expose data that is appropriate to potentially be available publicly).
The endpoints for the Data Link REST service are described in the following table.
REST Service | URL | Verb |
Get Data Link Data REST Service | http://ebsonewebservices-[dbname].[institutionaddress]/Rest/Modules/{moduleId}/ Screens/{screenName}/Data/{datalinkName} |
Get Data Link Anonymously REST Service | http://ebsonewebservices-[dbname].[institutionaddress]/Rest/Api/{moduleId}/ {pageName}/{datalinkName} |