Authentication REST Service
Authentication is the process of logging a user into the web service in the same way you would log in for other ebs modules, such as ebs: shape and ebs: ontrack Hub. This process must be done before using any web service. To be authenticated you must already exist as a user in ebs. This can be done in the User Management module in ebs: central.
Authentication works by sending a GET request to the Authentication web service (http://ebsonewebservices-[dbname].[institutionaddress]/Rest/Authentication), with an ebs username and password included in the authorisation header, using the HTTP Basic format (that is: 'Basic', followed by 'username:password' encoded in base64). A message describing the outcome of the authentication process will be included in the response.
Accessing the service with a request which has an invalid username/password in the Authorization header will result in an HTTP 200 (ok) response, with a message containing a failure flag in the response body. If the request is successful, the user will receive the same HTTP 200 (ok) response but the response body will have the authentication token. The token will expire after the configured Forms authentication timeout period, which can be configured in the web services web.config file.