Schemas are the outline and framework for each of the available web services. This framework includes validation, properties, and in some cases links to other web services that may be referenced as part of the current web service.
These schemas can potentially change over time as more validation or new properties are added to the schema.
A list of schemas can be viewed by entering http://ebsonewebservices-[dbname].[institutionaddress]/rest/schemas into your browser. From this list you can browse to the other schemas by copying the URL and pasting it into your browser. When this schema is displayed you will be able to view fields that are available for that REST service.
Some schemas will have links to other schemas embedded in them. This allows you to call a second schema as part of the original call. An example of this is the Create Person REST service that enables you to add the person’s address when creating the person record.

The following example shows example of XML code with the additional schema link embedded into the code. The embedded code in this example is the Address schema, enabling you to add address details when creating a user.
<MiddleNames />
<MobilePhoneNo />
<Addresses list="1">
<Line1>My Street</Line1>
<Town>My Town</Town>

"MobilePhoneNo":"07970 000 000",
"AddressType":"H","StartDate":"01/01/2012","EndDate":"01/03/2012","Line1":"My Street",
"PostCode": { "__Type":"PostCode","Part1":"S1", "Part2":"1LN" },
"Town":"My Town",
"Region":"My Region",
"Country":"My Country"
"AddressType":"H","StartDate":"01/04/2012","EndDate":"01/05/2012","Line1":"My Street",
"PostCode": { "__Type":"PostCode","Part1":"S1", "Part2":"1LN" },
"Town":"My Town",
"Region":"My Region",
"Country":"My Country"