03 March 2025

Concurrent Programmes

Use this reference data to manage the concurrent programmes that link together sets of qualifications.

Concurrent Programmes reference data

For each pair of rows that would normally be reported separately in a VoS Response file, the rows will be combined into one row, and the concurrent code reported, where:

  • there is a concurrent link between the qualifications based on the current date


  • the learner is enrolled on all the qualifications that make up a group

If the qualifications are grouped but the learner is not enrolled on all of them, the group will not be valid.

When the enrolment funding source and learner age match, you can assign a funding source and age range to a concurrent programme to set up a mapping between a TEC qualification code and a Youth Guarantee code. The VoS Response process will prioritise this type of programme in its first pass of processing.

Refer to the Prioritise Youth Guarantee concurrent programmes for further information.