Progress Policies
Use this reference data to manage progress policies. Policies can be Withdrawal Only Policy, Withdrawal and Transfer (out) Policy or Transfer (in) Policy.
Select a progress policy record and then click the Manage Rules button on the Admin Commands ribbon to display the Rule Set Dialog, where you can manage progress policy rules.
The following drop-downs provide information on managing rules:

Click the Add Rule button.
Enter the name of the rule in the Name field. This field is used for providing a description of what you want the rule to do.
Enter the condition of the rule in the Condition field. Refer to Add a condition for further information.
Enter the 'then' action in the Then Actions field. Refer to Add a 'then' action for further information.
- Click OK to save the rule.

The Rule Set Editor is designed to allow complex rule conditions to be created.
You can combine multiple expressions by using '&&' between expressions.
The following example describes how to set a percentage of course completed condition:
this.PercentageOfCourseCompleted <= 10
This requires less than or equal to 10% of the course to be completed for this rule.
Percentage of course completed is rounded to the nearest 1%.
You can enter '>', '<', '>=', or '==' in place of '<=', if required.

The ‘Then Actions’ field must contain an expression for all rules that are configured in the Rule Set Dialog. If an expression is not set for a rule, the rule will never be passed (that is: return as 'True').
The following examples describe rules that you may want to implement:
This reduces the current EFTS by 10%.
This reduces all Original Fees associated with the enrolment by 10%.
This charges an admin fee of $99.

To delete a rule:
Select the rule you want to delete in the Rule Set grid, and then click the Delete button.
Click OK on the message to confirm the deletion.