Single Data Return
This group contains SDR-specific reference data. Other reference data is also applicable.
The group contains the following reference data:
- Completion Indicators (5.4)
- Course Classification (2.15, 3.5)
- Funding Category (2.14, 3.9)
- Funding Degree/Research Status (2.14, 3.9)
- Highest Secondary School Qual (1.12)
- International Student Fee Category (2.8)
- Internet Based Learning Indicator (3.13)
- Intramural/Extramural Attendance (2.9)
- Iwi Affiliation (1.17)
- Level on NZ Register (3.7)
- Main Activity at 1 October (1.7)
- Main Subject (4.5 - 4.7)
- NZSCED Field of Study (2.16, 3.6)
- PBRF Eligible Course Indicator (3.14)
- Qualification Codes
- Residential Status (2.12)
- Source of Funding (2.11)
- Stage of Pre-Service Teacher Education Qual (3.11)