ebs: ontrack Changes for 4.30
The following change has been made to the ebs: ontrack modules:

Users with the EBS4AFD licence can now use AFD phone validation with ebs: ontrack software using the new AFD Phone Validation (Ontrack) institution setting (on the AFD screen).
If the institution setting is set to 'Auto Search', the Mobile Phone Number and Emergency Number fields are automatically validated on saving (using REST services that create or update People data) if they are newly entered or are edited.
Only these two fields can be validated using this setting. It is not possible to configure user fields in ebs: ontrack to be validated by this setting.

The My bookmarks and My notes pods have been removed from ebs: ontrack Teaching and Learning.
The Show bookmarks panel and Show notes panel check boxes have consequently been removed from the Dashboard section of Dashboard Settings.

The following application hooks have been relocated from the Agent folder to the Ontrack folder:
- Progression Email Request
- Register Changed
- Send Buzz
- Send Email
- Send Sms
Users must have the EBS4Agent5 licence to access the Ontrack folder.

When resetting a password in ebs: ontrack Hub or ebs: ontrack Learner Hub, secret answers are no longer case sensitive, and spaces are also ignored at the beginning or end of the secret answer.

Users can now enter characters with accents (for example: Northern Ireland fada vowels - Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, á, é, í, ó, ú) in text fields throughout ebs: ontrack Hub and ebs: ontrack Learner Hub.

When an invalid date format is entered in a date field in ebs: ontrack Hub or ebs: ontrack Learner Hub, the field is now cleared. Where possible, dates are still reformatted to the correct format.