Block Bookings Changes for 4.31
The following changes have been made to the block bookings functionality:

The following licences are new for the 4.31 release of ebs.
Licence | Controls this... |
EBS4BlockBooking |
The ability to use the following:
UK The Bookings tab in the Organisation Management module |
EBS4OntrackEmployer | The Employer role (in the ebs: ontrack Agent primary roles group) for use with ebs: ontrack Hub. |

The block bookings functionality is now available to users in New Zealand, provided they have the relevant licences.
This functionality comprises of the following:
The following user roles:
- Block Bookings at any Organisation (in the ebs: central Curriculum group)
- Block Bookings within my Organisation (in the ebs: central Curriculum group)
- Employer (in the ebs: ontrack Agent primary roles group)
The following institution settings:
- Block booking allocate places reminder email (days prior to course start date) (in the Enrolments group)
- Default time for block booking enrolments to be named prior to course start date (days) (in the Enrolments group)
- Default 'Who to pay' value when enrolment is created from a block booking (in the Enrolments group)
The following fields in the Curriculum module:
- The Target Bookable Places field on the Summary tab on a UIO in Curriculum Details
- The Available for Block Booking and Name Block Bookings by (Days before Start) fields on the Details tab on a UIO in Curriculum Details
- The Available for Block Booking, Target Bookable Places, Booked Places and Remaining Bookable Places fields on the UIOs grid in Curriculum Manager
Given the institution has created a user account for them, employers can log in and manage their block bookings using a limited version of ebs: ontrack Hub.
Refer to the following for further information:
The following workflow triggers in Workflow Manager:
Send Block Booking Reminder Emails - this sends a reminder email to the user marked as the primary contact of the organisation, where a block booking has been made and there are remaining unallocated places.
Where a booking is made on course that has a linked child or parent with mandatory enrolment, only one email will be sent to the employer for the booking. If the child and parent link is not mandatory, separate emails will be sent.
The amount of time before the start of the course date that the email is sent is dependent on the Block booking allocate places reminder email (days prior to course start date) institution setting, unless the UIO has a value in the Name Block bookings by field. In this case, the institution setting is overridden by this value.
If the institution setting and the Name Block bookings by field for the UIO are both set to null or 0, then no emails will be sent.
Delete unnamed bookings that are due to lapse - this removes unnamed bookings from a UIO once the default time (that is: as defined by the Default time for block booking enrolments to be named prior to course start date (days) institution setting) has elapsed and updates the statistics for the relevant UIO.
The default time is overridden by the Name Block Bookings by (Days before Start) field on the Details tab on a UIO in Curriculum Details, if populated.
- The Block Bookings view in the Organisation application context in Data Miner, which displays which employers/organisations have made block bookings and provides the ability to view unpaid balances and unallocated places.
The Block Book REST service, to manage block bookings from employers in ebs: ontrack Hub.
The endpoint for this REST service is described in the following table.
REST Service | URL | Verb |
Block Book | <web services URL>/Order/BlockBook | POST |