CDR Changes for 4.31
The following changes have been made to the CDR module for 4.31:

New fields have been made available and can be added with the Screen Manager module.
The following fields can be added to the Learner Details screen in the Learner module:
- The SLDD (that is: students with learning difficulties and/or disabilities) field has been removed
The POLITICAL_OPINION field can now be populated
The HAS_NO_DEPENDANTS field has been added to the Other details section
The SLDD field can also be added to the Enrolment Details screen in the Enrolments module.

The following changes have been made to CDR REST services:
- The SLDD field has been removed from Create and Update web services for People
- The SLDD field has been added to Create and Update web services for Enrolments
- The InitialEmploymentStatus field has been added to Create and Update web services for People
- The PriorEducationAchievement field has been added to Create and Update web services for People
- The LevelOfQualification field has been added to Create and Update web services for People
- The PoliticalOpinion field has been added to Create and Update web services for People
- The Hasnodependants field is added to Create and Update web services for People
Further information about web services is available in the ebs REST documentation.