General Changes for 4.31
The following general changes have been made for the 4.31:

Extended search options (for example: 'is null' and 'in') have been introduced throughout ebs: central and ebs: shape.

It is now possible to upload and store learner documents (from ebs: ontrack Learner Hub or Learner Docs and Comms) on the file system using the following institution settings on the General (Cross-System) screen:
- Store uploaded documents in the file system? - select 'Y' if required
Directory path for uploaded files when storing to file system - enter the location that documents uploaded via ebs: central or the ebs: ontrack software should be stored. This directory path should be a network or shared drive that is consistently named and accessible by both ebs: central users and the REST services.
For institutions using single sign-on, the user must be configured as an SSO user to be able to upload documents in ebs: central.

System configuration modules (that is: Screen Manager, Agent 4 Designer, Interfaces Designer, ebs: ontrack Hub Designer and ebs: ontrack Prospect Designer) can now be run in safe mode, which can be used to recover in case of rare catastrophic configuration changes that may lead to ebs: central being inaccessible.
Refer to Use system configuration modules in safe mode for further information.

To improve the security of all ontrack websites when accessed using https, it is now necessary to install the URL Re-write extension for IIS as a pre-requisite to the 4.31 server upgrade.
The following IIS features are also required:
- Application Initialization

The following licences are new for the 4.31 release of ebs.
Licence | Controls this... |
EBS4BlockBooking |
The ability to use the following:
UK The Bookings tab in the Organisation Management module |
EBS4OntrackEmployer | The Employer role (in the ebs: ontrack Agent primary roles group) for use with ebs: ontrack Hub. |

The following roles are new for the 4.31 release of ebs.
Role | Allows users to... |
Admin Learner Deletion (in the ebs: central Apps/Enqs/Enrols group) |
Fully remove a learner from an ebs database. The Administrative Learner Deletion Enabled institution setting (on the General (Cross-System) screen) must also be set to 'Y'. |
Full Curriculum Assessments (in the ebs: ontrack Markbook group) | Edit curriculum assessments in ebs: ontrack Hub. |
NZ Block Bookings at any Organisation (in the ebs: central Curriculum group) | Make block bookings at any organisation (for example: for staff to make bookings on behalf of employers). |
NZ Block Bookings within my Organisation (in the ebs: central Curriculum group) | Make block bookings only within their organisation. |
NZ Employer (in the ebs: ontrack Agent primary roles group) |
Provide employers with a limited view of ebs: ontrack Hub where they can view available courses. Employers are also required to have the Block Bookings within my Organisation role to be able to book learners on courses. |

The following institution settings are new for the 4.31 release of ebs.
This field | Holds this information... |
Allow learners to re-apply for courses they have withdrawn applications from (on the Applications screen) |
Whether learners can re-apply for courses that they have withdrawn from in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub. This defaults to 'N'. |
Application Administrative Organisation (Org Code) (on the Engage screen) |
The organisation code of the learner services department responsible for applications. Refer to Application Group Memberships for further information. |
Application Course Details screen name (on the Engage screen) |
Specifies which ebs: ontrack Prospect page is displayed when a learner selects the Course Details link in the Engage app. |
Application groups in Engage (on the Engage screen) | Whether to automatically create application groups in the Engage app. |
NZ Block booking allocate places reminder email (days prior to course start date) (in the Enrolments group) | Allows users to define the number of days before an employer block booking is due to start that a reminder email is sent to the employer, where there are remaining unallocated places. This is sent to the user marked as the primary contact of the organisation. |
NZ Default time for block booking enrolments to be named prior to course start date (days) (in the Enrolments group) | The length of time prior to the course start date that any unallocated block bookings should be named. |
NZ Default 'Who to pay' value when enrolment is created from a block booking (in the Enrolments group) | The default payee when a block booking is allocated to a learner. |
Administrative Learner Deletion Enabled (on the General (Cross-System) screen) |
Whether to enable a full database deletion of a learner. You also need the Admin Learner Deletion role (in the ebs: central Apps/Enqs/Enrols group) to carry out an administrative learner deletion. |
Central Ribbon Colour (on the General (Cross-System) screen) |
The colour of the ribbon throughout ebs: central. This can be used, for example, to differentiate environments more clearly.
Store uploaded documents in the file system? (on the General (Cross-System) screen) | Whether to store uploaded documents in the file system. If required, select 'Y' and then specify the Directory path for uploaded files when storing to file system institution setting. |
Directory path for uploaded files when storing to file system (on the General (Cross-System) screen) |
The default storage location for files uploaded to the file system from ebs: central and ebs: ontrack software. The directory path should be a network or shared drive that is consistently named and accessible by both ebs: central users and the REST services. |
Allow public address searching (on the Learner Portal screen) | Whether to allow public users to perform an address search when applying or registering for a course in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub. This defaults to 'N'. |
Allow Ontrack users to login with registered email address (on the Users screen) | Whether to allow users to log in to ebs: ontrack Hub and ebs: ontrack Learner Hub with their registered email address, as well as their username. |
Show forgotten password link in Ontrack Hub (on the Users screen) | Whether to display the 'Forgot your password?' link on the ebs: ontrack Hub home page. |
Show forgotten password link in Ontrack Prospect (on the Users screen) | Whether to display the 'Forgot your password?' link on the ebs: ontrack Learner Hub home page. |

The following changes have been made to reference data:
The Academic Years reference data screen has been added.
This allows users to de-activate historical academic years to avoid generating a large number of records into the Student Circle.
This reference data cannot be added to or edited, other than changing the Active status.
The email templates for enrolment (re-engagement) confirmation (that is: the LP_REENGAGE_FEES and LP_REENGAGE_PERSONAL email types) can now be edited in the E-Mail Templates reference data.
Refer to E-Mail Templates for further information.