ILR Changes for 4.31
The following changes have been made to the ILR module for 4.31:

The following changes have been made to the Learner Details screen in the Learner module:
The Redundant fields from 2018-19 onwards section has been renamed to Redundant fields from 2019-20 onwards
The Off-the-job Training Hours field has been moved to the Redundant fields from 2019-20 onwards section

The following changes have been made to the ILR tab in ILR Manager:
- The Off-the-job Training Hours field has been moved to the right of the HE Sup. 4 (Other) field
The cell background colour has been removed from the Off-the-job Training Hours column

The following FIS errors now open the ILR tab in ILR Manager when double-clicked on the Error Surfer:
- R106 - At any point in time, a learner must not have more than one Learning support funding record
- R108 - There must be a Learner Destination and Progression record (with a Start date on or after the latest actual end date) present with in 2 months after latest actual end date, where funded learning aims have a Learning actual end date
Previously, double-clicking these errors opened the Aims tab.

The following changes have been made to the Special Details screen:
- The Start Date field has been re-labelled Register Start Date
- The End Date field has been re-labelled Register End Date
The following changes have been made to cascading functionality:
- Changes to Register Start Date will no longer cascade through to Learner Aim Start Date
- Changes to Register End Date will no longer cascade through to Learner Aim Planned End Date
The 4.31 release also includes changes that were released in 4.30 Service Packs 1-3. Refer to ILR Changes for 4.30 for further information.