LNAAT Changes for 4.31
The following changes have been made to the LNAAT module for 4.31:

The following changes have been made to assessments:
When a new assessment is uploaded from ebs to the LNAAT system, its status is immediately updated in the LNAAT Status field in the UI and UIO Assessment records in Curriculum Details.
This is already the case where the status in ebs is set to 'Non-Active', but is now also the case if the value is 'Active'.
- When the status of an assessment is updated in the Curriculum module, the change is reflected in the LNAAT system. If an assessment is created with a status of 'Non-Active', the ebs record is changed to 'Active' and the LNAAT assessment record changes to 'Active' when the next LNAAT upload takes place, and vice versa.

The following changes have been made with regards to pre-existing assessment error messages:
- When downloading results for a learner in the LNAAT that has a result for an assessment that was not generated by ebs, an error message is not displayed.
- When downloading results for a learner in the LNAAT that has a result for an assessment that was generated by ebs, the Result field is updated correctly in ebs.
- When downloading results for a learner in the LNAAT that has a result for an assessment that was generated by ebs, but where the learner does not have a Result record for that assessment, an error message is displayed.