Enrolments Changes for 4.32
The following changes have been made to the Enrolments module for 4.32:

The Include in HESA and Not in Active HESA Study fields have been added to the Enrolment Details screen.
The HESA fields on Enrolments Details tab are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Include in HESA | Whether to include the enrolment in the HESA file. |
Not in Active HESA Study | Whether the learner is actively studying. |
These fields are only available if a valid EBS4HESAALT licence is held.

The HESA Details tab has been added to the Enrolments screen.
The HESA Details tab is only available if a valid EBS4HESAALT licence is held.
The HESA Details tab is enabled by the Use Special Details check box on the Special Details screen.
The fields on the HESA Details tab are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Student Instance ID [NUMHUS] | An identification of the basic unit of 'a coherent engagement with the provider, aiming towards the award of a qualification(s) or credit' which is described in the HIN guidance section of HESA website. |
Fundable Code | Whether the learner is eligible for funding. |
Fund Level | The level of funding that the learner is eligible for. |
Mphil/PHD Intent Level | The intention level for learners studying for Mphil/PHD. |
Exchange Indicator | Whether the learner is involved in an exchange programme. |
Disabled Student Allowance | Whether the learner is in receipt of a Disabled Students Allowance (DSA). |
Location of Study | The learner's study location. |
Major Source of Fees | The major source of tuition fees for the learner. |
Main Provider [Not UKPRN] | The provider supplying the majority of the course tuition. |
Student Instance FTE | The institution's best academic judgement of the full-time equivalence of the learner (for this record) during the reporting year 01 August to 31 July. |
Mode of Study | An indicator of the mode of study expressed in terms of the HEFCE Higher Education in Further Education: Students survey (HEIFES) definitions. The mode recorded should be the mode at the end of year of programme of study being funded, or, if this is after the end of the ILR year, the mode on 31 July. |
Initiative 1 | Whether the learner is part of an independently monitored scheme. |
Initiative 2 | Whether the learner is part of an independently monitored scheme. |
Initiative 3 | Whether the learner is part of an independently monitored scheme. |
Year of Course | The calendar year the course takes place. |
Student Instance Year | The instance year. |
Highest Qualification On Entry [QUALENT3] | The highest qualification achieved by the learner prior to entry. |

Various HESA-related fields have been added to the Attainment Details screen.
The fields are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Main Qual Subject | The main qualification subject. Select from the drop-down list. |
Qual Type (HESA) | The qualification type. Select from the drop-down list. |
Exam Sitting | The examination phase (for example: summer). Select from the drop-down list. |
Include in HESA | Whether to include in the HESA file. |
These fields are only available if a valid EBS4HESAALT licence is held.

HESA special details are now cascaded to child enrolments when a new enrolment is saved and:
- The Cascade Special Details field on the UIO Links screen in the Curriculum module is set to 'Y'
- The Use Special Details check box is selected on the Special Details tab in the Enrolments module