03 March 2025

What's New in 4.32?

Welcome to the ebs 4.32 release, our first release of 2020. This release is the culmination of lots of activity across the ebs development team working on the key themes we have set for development across 2020.

Our Innovations team introduced at the last round of user groups have developed new functions in ontrack specifically focused on learner engagement. Specific features include a new Learner Hub, associated homepage, visual timetable view and the ability for a learner to self-serve absence reporting, designed to cut the burden of learner absence reporting across institutes.

ebs: central updates include additions to workflows to enable automated record deletion based on an institute's retention policy and the option to store all documents outside of the database - a key feature to reduce the size of the ebs database. Our statutory returns functions have also been enhanced as we deliver on our HE roadmap. 4.32 sees us support the data entry for the Student Alternative Return and also complete the full Graduate Outcomes return function.

The ebs Online Help continues to develop and we have now converted all of our traditional PDF documentation into the online help pages, including the technical white paper. Users of ebs: central will be prompted to view the release notes post-upgrade and also view a short video of the key feature highlights. All changes are documented in the release notes, which we recommend all customers read as they contain key information with regards to product updates and how you can make use of them.

We encourage all customers who have not adopted functionality in previous releases to review release packs for all recent major releases to ensure that you are making the most of ebs functionality. We would like to thank all customers who provide feedback to us and we look forward to engaging with you further as we shape our next releases of ebs.

- Mike Fisher, Senior Product Manager