Payment Provider Changes for 4.32
The following changes have been made to Payment Providers for 4.32:

Paysafe has been added to the list of ePayment versions in institutions settings
Paysafe users must choose the 'Open in default browser' option for the institution setting 'The method of transfer that ebs: central uses for ePayments' in ePayments (Staff).
Netbanx v5 has been renamed to Netbanx
Netbanx users must transition to an alternative payment provider as soon as possible in order to be compliant with 3D Secure 2 regulations. Netbanx API is not supported for new customers.
- Capita Secure Card Portal V8 has been renamed to Capita Secure Card Portal
- DPS Payments has been renamed to DPS

With the release of 4.32, the ePayment URL institution setting field must be populated with the URL of your payment provider. You must review this institution setting to ensure that the field contains the relevant URL.
Institution settings for payment providers have been updated to remove unnecessary duplication. Refer to Configure ePayments to review the requirements for your provider.
The following changes have been made to screen names:
- The ePayments (ebs: central) screen has been renamed to ePayments (Staff)
- The ePayments (Learner Portal & Prospect) screen has been renamed to ePayments (Self-Service)
The following institution settings have been removed from the renamed ePayments (Staff) screen:
ePayment URL V5
- Call Back URL
- Call Back URL ASync
- ebs Redirect URL
The following institution settings have been removed from the renamed ePayments (Self-Service) screen:
- ePayment URL V5
- Call Back URL (Learner Portal)
- Call Back URL (Prospect)
- Call Back URL ASync (Learner Portal)
- Call Back URL ASync (Prospect)
- ebs Redirect URL (Learner Portal)
- ebs Redirect URL (Prospect)
- Payment Merchant Reference (Learner Portal)
- Payment Merchant Reference (Prospect)
The following changes have been made to the ePayments (Common) screen:
- The ePayment web service URL setting has been added
- The IFRAME height (pixels) setting has been removed
- The IFRAME width (pixels) setting has been removed
- The Complete Server URL (e.g. of ebs4 instance hosting ClientLauncher.aspx (ebs4 Client Enrolment ePayments) setting has been removed

Two standard URLs are now used to make payments and receive payment responses from all third-party payment providers.
The following URLs must be publicly accessible:
- Payment responses are now received with <web service URL>/EPayments/PaymentResponse.aspx
- Payments are now initiated by <web service URL>/EPayments/MakePayment.aspx
Firewall changes might be required to make .aspx pages publicly accessible.