ILR Changes for 4.33
The following changes have been made to the ILR module for 4.33:

The 2020/21 funding year (that is: funding year 27) can now be selected from various locations throughout ebs: central.

The following changes have been made to the ILR output file:
- The following fields are also included in the 2020/21 XML output file:
- The following fields have been removed from the XML output file for 2020/21 onwards:
These fields remain in the ILR generation process but will not be output.
- The PLANNED_HOURS field's filter has been extended as follows:
- FY26=(FundModel='36')
FundModel='25' & ProgType='31')
- Devolved Area Monitoring fields are now included in the output file where the Funding Model is '10' or '35' against programme aims or learner aims. Previously, only ones with a Funding Model of '35' were included.

Users can now import AEB Postcode .CSV data files (provided by the ESFA on the website) by clicking the Import button on the System tab.
The file is very large and will take a long time to import.

The LSC27DAT.TXT file, which populates the LSC_VERIFIERS table, can now be imported using the Imports screen (accessed by clicking the Imports button on the System ribbon). The file is available on the Communities site.
The following changes have been made since the LSC26DAT.TXT file:
The following changes have been made to the RV_Domain 'APPRENTICESHIP_CONTRACT_TYPE':
- The description of code 1 is now 'A levy or non-levy paying employer on the apprenticeship service and is funded through a contract for services with the employer'
- The description of code 2 is now 'An employer that is not on the apprenticeship service and is funded through a contract for services with the ESFA'
- For the RV_Domain 'BENEFIT_STATUS', the description of codes 2 and 3 are now prefixed with 'Valid until 31/07/2020'
- For the RV_Domain 'DAM', codes now contain leading zeros (that is: codes 1-99 are now codes 001-099)
- For the RV_Domain 'END_REASON', the description of code 48 is now 'Industry placement learner has withdrawn due to circumstances outside the providers' control'
- For the RV_Domain 'FREE_MEAL_ELIGIBILITY', the description of code 1 is now prefixed with 'Valid until 31/07/2020'
- For the RV_Domain 'HE_MONITORING', the description of codes 1, 3 and 5 are now prefixed with 'Valid until 31/07/2020'
- For the RV_Domain 'HE_PROGYEAR_TPS', the description of codes 3, 4 and 5 are now prefixed with 'Valid until 31/07/2020'
- For the RV_Domain 'LLDD_HEALTH_PROB_CATEGORY', the description of code 4 is now 'Vision Impairment'
- For the RV_Domain 'NATIONAL_SKILLS_ACADEMY', the description of codes 1-20 are now prefixed with 'Valid until 31/07/2016'
- For the RV_Domain 'PERCENTAGE_ONLINE_DELIVERY', the description of codes 1-7 are now prefixed with 'Valid until 31/07/2020'
- For the RV_Domain 'PROG_TYPE, codes 30 - T-level transition programme and 31 - T-level programme have been added
- For the RV_Domain 'PUPIL_PREMIUM_ELIGIBILITY', the description of codes 1-5 are now prefixed with 'Valid until 31/07/2020'
- For the RV_Domain 'SUPPORT_REASON', the description of code 61 is now prefixed with 'Valid until 31/07/2020'

The following changes have been made to the Special Details screen:
The Dev Area Mon 5 and Dev Area Mon 6 fields have been added
The Off The Job Actual Training Hours field has been enabled
The following fields have been moved to the new Redundant Fields (for 2020/21 onwards) section:
- Nat Skills Academy
- Work Programme Participation
Percentage Online Delivery

The Dev Area Mon 5 and Dev Area Mon 6 fields have been added to the UIO Learning Aims tab in Curriculum Manager, which (along with the pre-existing Dev Area Mon 1-4 fields) are used as indicators of participation in programmes or initiatives in devolved areas.
These fields are also included in Clone Curriculum and Roll Forward.

The following changes have been made to the Aims tab in ILR Manager:
The Nat Skills Acad, Work Programme Participation and % Online fields have been moved to the right of the Addnl Data Provider 2 field
The following fields have been added:
- Off The Job Actual Training Hours
- Devolved Area Monitoring 5
- Devolved Area Monitoring 6

As they are now redundant, the Pupil Premium Elibility 1-2 fields have been moved to the right of the HE Sup. 4 (Other) field and no longer have a background colour.

As they are now redundant, the HE Monitoring 1-3 fields have been moved to the right of the ELQ field, and no longer has a background colour.

As it is now redundant, the Agreement ID field no longer has a background colour on the Employment tab in ILR Manager.

The following changes have been made to ILR generation where AIM_TYPE = '1' (Prog_Aims) and AIM_TYPE <> '1':
or if blank, takes values from UIO_QUAL_AIMS.DEVOLVED_AREA_MONITORING_5
or if blank, takes values from UIO_QUAL_AIMS.DEVOLVED_AREA_MONITORING_6

The following changes have been made to ILR Defaults:
The Redundant Fields (For 2020/21 Onwards) section has been added to the Learner Aims tab, which contains the National Skills Academy field.
The Redundant Fields (For 2020/21 Onwards) section has been added to the Learner HE tab, which contains the HE Programmes or Initiatives 1-3 fields.
Service Pack 1 Changes
The following changes have been made to ILR for 4.33 Service Pack 1:

The '(FundModel = 25 & ProgType =31)' condition has been removed from output Planned Hours (PHOURS). They are now output when:
Prog_Aim (i.e. AimType = '1') record
(FundModel = 36)
(FundModel = 25 & ProgType = 31)