Learner Changes for 4.33
The following changes have been made to the Learner module for 4.33:

The following changes have been made to the Learner Details screen:
- 'Mx' can now be selected from the Title drop-down field
- The Declared Sex, Gender and Pronouns fields have been added to the Other Details section
- ENG The 'Gender' field has been renamed to Sex for institutions in England

The Redundant Fields (For 2020/21 Onwards) section has been added to Learner Details, and contains the Pupil premium funding eligibility (PPE) 1 and Pupil premium funding eligibility (PPE) 2 fields.

As they are now redundant, the Agreement ID, Employer Postcode and Risk of NEET Status? fields have now been moved to the right-hand side of the Learner Employment panel in Employments & Placements. They also have a white background, while the remaining fields now have a yellow background to indicate that they are Learner Employment Details fields.

It is now possible to configure on the following fields to the Enrolments tab in Learner Manager:
- Devolved Area Monitoring 5
- Devolved Area Monitoring 6
- Off the Job Actual Training Hours