What's New in 4.34?
Welcome to the ebs 4.34 release, our third and final release of 2020. This release has seen us continue our various roadmap themes across ebs including major overhauls of staff markbook, continued revamp of the Learner Hub, phase 1 of our reports cradle rewrite and statutory updates across our various regions.
Our Innovation team's work has continued and focused on ILP administration, which will be released in ebs 4.35 in April 2021.
The ebs Online Help continues to develop and we continue to embed videos into the online help pages. As with the previous release users of ebs: central will be prompted to view the release notes post-upgrade. All changes are documented in the release notes, which we recommend all customers read as they contain key information with regards to product updates and how you can make use of them.
We would like to thank the small number of customers who engaged with us during our revised beta programme for 4.34, as recently advertised on Tribal Communities. We will continue to run beta programmes into 2021 and encourage all customers to consider being involved.
We encourage all customers who have not adopted functionality in previous releases to review release packs for all recent major releases to ensure that you are making the most of ebs functionality. We would like to thank all customers who provide feedback to us and we look forward to engaging with you further as we shape our next releases of ebs.
- Mike Fisher, Senior Product Manager