Payment Providers Changes for 4.34 Service Pack 2
The following changes apply to institution settings for Civica Paylink for 4.34 Service Pack 2:

The Network User ID institution setting has been added to the ePayments (Self-Service) screen. The value (maximum 30 characters) is transmitted for Civica Paylink during the Enrolments process in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub.
The Network User ID Prefix institution setting has been added to the ePayments (Staff) screen. The value entered (maximum 20 characters) is a prefix added to the member of staff's username (for example: if the institution setting contains 'TRIBAL\' then TRIBAL\<> is transmitted). If this setting is blank, the member of staff's username is transmitted without the prefix.

The Only use default VAT code for payments option on the ePayments (Self-Service) and ePayments (Staff) screens determines whether to use the VAT code set in the Default VAT Code institution setting for Civica Paylink.
If this is set to N, the fee values/fee types are used to provide the VAT code. If neither of these are set, then the VAT code set in the Default VAT Code institution setting is used.