SDR Changes for 4.34 Service Pack 1
The following changes have been made to the SDR module in 4.34 Service Pack 1:

Options are now available throughout ebs to produce the 2021 returns.

The following changes have been made to reference data for the SDR:
The following countries have been added to the Countries (local) screen:
PRK - Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of
XKX - Kosovo
VCT - St Vincent and the Grenadines
The names of the following countries have been updated on the Countries (local) screen:
BOL - Bolivia
CHN - China, People's Republic of
CZE - Czechia
IRN - Iran
LAO - Laos
MDA - Moldova
MKD - North Macedonia
PSE - Gaza Strip/Palestine/West Bank
RUS - Russia
SWZ - Eswatini
SYR - Syria
TZA - Tanzania
VAT - Vatican City State
VEN - Venezuela
The following descriptions have been changed on the Ethnicity (TEC) screen:
111 - New Zealand European
121 - British and Irish
211 - Māori
321 - Cook Islands Māori
371 - Other Pacific Peoples
611 - Other Ethnicity