03 March 2025

Workflow Manager Changes for 4.34

The following changes have been made to Workflow Manager for the 4.34 release:

The XML/Json category has been added to the Tribal Toolbox.

XML/Json Tribal Toolbox

The activities available in the XML/Json group are described in the following table.

Activity Does this...

Converts a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) value into a dictionary object.

Refer to the ConvertJsonStringToDictionary activity description for more information.


Converts a JSON value to a string representation of a JSON object.

Refer to the ConvertJsonToString activity description for more information.


Converts JSON value to an XML (Extensible Markup Language) value.

Refer to the ConvertJsonToXml activity description for more information.


Converts the input string to a JSON value.

Refer to the ConvertStringToJson activity description for more information.


Converts the input string to an XML value.

Refer to the ConvertStringToXml activity description for more information.


Converts XML to a JSON value.

Refer to the ConvertXmlToJson activity description for more information.


Converts XML to a string representation of an XML object.

Refer to the ConvertXMLToString activity description for more information.


Returns the JSON value for a field.

Refer to the GetJsonFieldValue activity description for more information.


Returns the XML value for an attribute.

Refer to the GetXmlAttributeValue activity description for more information.


Returns the XML value of a field.

Refer to the GetXmlFieldValue activity description for more information.