ontrack Changes for 4.34
The following changes have been made to ontrack products for the 4.34 release.

Accessibility mode has been removed from the ontrack products as they are now accessible by default.

Users in ebs: ontrack Hub and ebs: ontrack Learner Hub can now set their own security questions on the Manage Security Questions screen.
This can be accessed by clicking the Security option in the header menu.
This is not available if using single-sign on (SSO).

The following security improvements have been made:
- Security headers have been added for all ontrack products
- All ontrack products now use the latest version of jQuery - version 3.5.1.
- A Content Security Policy (CSP) has been added for all ontrack products, which helps to detect and mitigate attacks such as Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and data injection. It is populated using the following:
- Static hard-coded elements that are mandatory requirements (for example: Font Awesome)
- Dynamic elements that are mandatory requirements (for example: the ebs: ontrack Teaching and Learning URL and/or domain)
Dynamic elements that you may want to introduce for custom functionality. These can be maintained using the new Content-Security-Policy institution settings on the Ontrack screen.

A variety of design and style changes have been made to the ontrack products (for example: the header is now white, the left-hand panel now has a white arrow and dark blue background, and so on).

You can now select from the following REST services in ebs: ontrack Hub Designer and ebs: ontrack Prospect Designer:
- Add Medical Condition
- Add Medical Doctor
- Update Medical Condition
- Update Medical Doctor

You can now select new web service fields from the following REST services in ebs: ontrack Hub Designer and ebs: ontrack Prospect Designer:
Create Application Service
Update Application Service
Create Enrolment Service
Update Enrolment Service
The following can now be selected from the Web Service Field drop-down:

Prospect base design now refers 'institutions' rather than 'colleges' in the following locations:
- OptionalMessages datalink
- HomepageText datalink
- HomepageText expander layout formatter
- CreateEnrolmentBegin page
ontrack Hub

Two new reports screens have been added for users with the Reports User role, provided the new Use reports cradle or reports viewer to display reports in Ontrack? setting is set to 'Report Viewer':
The Reports Homepage displays the reports run in the last seven days by default. Users can use the filter to change the number of days, or click a report to run it.
It can be accessed by clicking the Reports option in the menu.
The Reports List screen displays a folder view and list view of all of the reports that they have permissions to run.
Clicking a folder displays a list of all of the reports in that folder. Clicking a report runs the report.
This screen can be accessed by clicking the Reports List button in the left-hand panel when the Reports Homepage is open.
- Reports can be filtered, saved, printed and so on in the improved report viewer.
Refer to Manage Reports for further information.

A new version of the Markbook module has been added.
It can be accessed by clicking the Markbook button in the left-hand panel. The previous markbook can still be accessed by clicking the Old Markbook button.
The following changes have been made:
- The Unit Target Grade and Unit Predicted Grade fields have been hidden to create more space. They can be enabled in Designer, if required.
- The following group filter functionality is included:
- If groups are available at parent level, the groups filter displays the group prefixed with 'Subject group -'
- If groups are available at module level, the groups filter displays the group prefixed with 'Unit group -'
If only groups exist at either the parent level or the child level then the groups filter will display the group without a prefix
If the 'No Group' filter is selected, this only displays the enrolled learners that have no groups, while the blank option display all learners including with groups and without groups.
- Where learners have a duplicate enrolment, only the first record is displayed and updated when marked
Refer to Use Markbook for further information.

It is now possible for tutors to record learner absence on a learner's behalf using the Report an Absence screen, which can be accessed by clicking the Report an Absence option in the left-hand panel when a learner's record is open.
Any evidence attached is displayed on the Documents screen of a learner's record.
The text in the Reference column can also be specified using the new Staff Absence Evidence Reference institution setting, which has been added to the Ontrack Learner screen.
This defaults to 'Evidence submitted by staff'.

The word 'Search' has been removed from the search tab names on the Home Page (for example: 'Learner Search' has been renamed to 'Learner').
ontrack Hub - Service Pack 2

Reports run in ebs: ontrack Hub are now be saved in either the database or file server (as defined by the Store reports in ebs: central database or on a file server? institution setting on the Reports and Reporting Services screen), provided the Save report after running? check box is selected for the relevant report in the Reports Cradle.
Once saved, the reports can be viewed on the Reports History tab in Learner Documents and Communications on the relevant learner's record. The following predefined reports are saved to the learner's record as standard:
NZ Credit Note NZ Invoice NZ Learner Portal Outcomes NZ Nursing Transcript NZ Standard Transcript |
Custom reports can also be viewed in the same location by the staff member who ran the report.
ontrack Learner Hub

The following accessibility issues have been resolved in this release:
ARIA role=button element is empty and has no accessible name
WCAG 2.1 A F68
Level = A
Each a element must contain text or an img with an alt attribute.
WCAG 2.1 A F89
Level = A
The CSS outline or border style on this element makes it difficult or impossible to see the dotted link focus outline.
WCAG 2.1 AA F78
Level = AA
Refer to Accessibility Statement for ontrack Learner Hub for further information.

Markbook is now titled 'My Marks' and Pastoral is now titled 'Support' in the left-hand panel on the Home Page. The Marks & Feedback tile has also been renamed to 'My Marks'.
These name changes are also applied to the Designer module.

The following changes have been made to the Timetable screen when viewing on a mobile device:
The Today button has been removed
The date range has been moved to above the buttons
The buttons are now joined together

A variety of messages have been amended for clarification.
These are described in the following table.
Location of message | Original message | New message |
Homepage - OptionalMessages data link | Sorry, there are currently no interview times available, the institution will contact you to arrange one. | Sorry, there are currently no interview times available, we will contact you to arrange one. |
Sorry there are currently no interview times available for one of more of your applications, please choose an appropriate time for the course below and the institution will contact you to arrange an interview for the other(s). | Sorry there are currently no interview times available for one of more of your applications, please choose an appropriate time for the course below and we will contact you to arrange an interview for the other(s). | |
Thank you for selecting your options, the institution will contact you shortly to confirm your enrolment. | Thank you for selecting your options, we will contact you shortly to confirm your enrolment. | |
Homepage - LearnerOffersCount data link | Please await for further contact from the college. | Please await further contact from us. |
Homepage - HomepageText data link | You can find information about your applications and enrolments here. You can also check previous communications with the institution, upload evidence, and update your qualifications and consents. | You can find information about your applications and enrolments here. You can also check previous communications with us, upload evidence, and update your qualifications and consents. |
CreateEnrolmentBegin page - Contact_Info datalink | Please contact the institution on <contact details>. | Please contact us on <contact details>. |
ontrack Teaching and Learning

The Send Notifications check box has been renamed to Send messages to recipients for new and existing Pastoral Forms (accessed from Pastoral > Form Management).
Once sent, a form entry notification is displayed in the sender's Sent items, and the recipient's Inbox.