General Changes for 4.35
The following general changes have been made for 4.35:

From April 2021, with the release of ebs 4.35, Tribal will be desupporting the 32-bit/x86 ebs clients. This will mean a removal and re-install of all ebs clients.
In addition, all Oracle customers will need to install a 64-bit/x64 Oracle client to each user's local machine to run the new ebs clients. It is recommended to run the same Oracle client version as your oracle database version.
The 64-bit installer installs both ebs: central and ebs: shape.
You can use the drop-downs in the tree to specify how each feature is installed.

The following licences have been added.
Licence | Allows users to... |
DynamicsConnector | Integrate with Dynamics. |
ApprenticeConnector | Integrate with Ontrack Work Based Learning (WBL) Connector. |
MoodleConnector | Integrate with Moodle. |
TribalILP | Access the new ILP functionality. |

The following changes have been made:
- The following institution settings have been added.
Screen | This field | Holds this information... |
ePayments (Common) | Civica External Reference | Whether the Civica ePayment external reference is Originators Reference (this is the default) or Income Management Receipt Number. |
General (Cross-System) | Institution time zone |
The institute's time zone. The list of time zones is sourced from the database and not from ebs. A separate, hidden institution setting containing the Infrastructure time zone has also been added, and is automatically populated based on the institution type. |
Show workflow service status indicator |
Whether to display the workflow service status indicator on the Home ribbon in ebs: central. This defaults to 'Y'. This setting is hidden for cloud systems and is set to 'N'. |
Integration | Moodle base URL | Moodle integration details. These are only displayed for users with the new MoodleConnector licence. |
Moodle Web Services Username | ||
Moodle Web Services User Password | ||
Dynamics Service Account ebs Username | The Dynamics Service Account ebs username. This is only displayed for users with the new DynamicsConnector licence. | |
Dynamics API URL | The Dynamics API URL. This is only displayed for users with the DynamicsConnector licence. | |
Dynamics Configuration Organisation Code | The Dynamics Configuration Organisation Code. This is only displayed for users with the DynamicsConnector licence. | |
Ontrack WBL Service Account ebs Username | The Ontrack Apprenticeships Service Account ebs username. This is only displayed for users with the new ApprenticeConnector licence. | |
Ontrack | Ontrack Reports Homepage URL |
The URL for the ontrack Reports Viewer home page. This defaults to 'Page/ReportsHomepage'. This can still be used if the Use reports cradle or report viewer to display reports in Ontrack? setting is set to 'Report Cradle'. |
Show Ontrack icon on Home ribbon |
Whether to display the ontrack icon on the Home ribbon in ebs: central. This defaults to 'Y'. This setting is hidden for cloud systems and is set to 'N'. |
Reports and Reporting Services | Show Reports icon on Home ribbon |
Whether to display the Reports icon on the Home ribbon in ebs: central. This defaults to 'Y'. This setting is hidden for cloud systems and is set to 'N'. |
The following changes have been made to existing institution settings:
The 'Online help URL' setting (on the General (Cross-System) screen) has been relabelled to 'Central online help URL'
The 'Ontrack Prospect online help URL' setting (on the Ontrack Learner screen) has been relabelled to 'Ontrack Learner online help URL'
The following settings' values are set to '' by default for new users and where the setting is blank:
'Central online help URL' (on the General (Cross-System) screen)
'Ontrack Hub online Help URL' (on the General (Cross-System) screen)
'Ontrack Learner online help URL' (on the Ontrack Learner screen)
The Shape help URL (on the Timetables screen) value is set to '' by default for new users and where the setting is blank.
The Reports button on the ebs ribbon is now dependent on the Use reports cradle or report viewer to display reports in Ontrack? institution setting (on the Reports and Reporting Services screen). That is: if the setting is set to 'Report Viewer', the ebs: ontrack Hub Report Viewer is opened, and if it is set to 'Report Cradle', the Reports Cradle is opened.

The following changes have been made to reference data:
The Filter Definitions (ILP) screen has been added, which allows you to view and edit definitions that users can select from them when creating cohort groups for the new Tribal ILP module.
These cannot be added or deleted, only edited.
The following fields have been added to the Third Party Links screen:
Resource Type - allows you to select whether a URL is to be generated as an authenticated ontrack link for ontrack Hub or ontrack Learner Hub, which allows a link to ontrack to be created without the need to re-enter credentials.
Display Order - allows you to specify the order in which the links are displayed in the Engage app (that is: 1 being first, 2 being second, and so on).
NZ The following countries have been added to the Countries (local) screen:
PRK - Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of
XKX - Kosovo
VCT - St Vincent and the Grenadines
NZ The names of the following countries have been updated on the Countries (local) screen:
BOL - Bolivia
CHN - China, People's Republic of
CZE - Czechia
IRN - Iran
LAO - Laos
MDA - Moldova
MKD - North Macedonia
PSE - Gaza Strip/Palestine/West Bank
RUS - Russia
SWZ - Eswatini
SYR - Syria
TZA - Tanzania
VAT - Vatican City State
VEN - Venezuela
NZ The following descriptions have been changed on the Ethnicity (TEC) screen:
111 - New Zealand European
121 - British and Irish
211 - Māori
321 - Cook Islands Māori
371 - Other Pacific Peoples
611 - Other Ethnicity

The ebs: Ontrack Tribal ILP group has been added to User Management for the new Tribal ILP module.
The roles are described in the following table.
Role | Allows users to... |
Edit all ILP Cohorts | Full access to the Groups screen. |
Edit Tutor ILP Cohorts | This is intended for future use. |
ILP Administrator | Access to all ILP Admin screens and functionality except for the Groups screen. |
Additionally, the ebs: ontrack Agent role group has been renamed to ebs: ontrack Hub.

Each topic in the online help now has a feedback section, which allows you to inform Tribal as to the helpfulness of the page.
Clicking the No button allows you to specify the problem further and email the Documentation team if necessary.

For deployments of ebs that are hosted in a different time zone to the institute, a number of functions have been added to aid with time zone conversion:
The new Institution time zone institution setting (on the General (Cross-System) screen)
The list of time zones is sourced from the database and not from ebs.
A new hidden institution setting containing the infrastructure time zone. This is populated automatically based on the institution type.
The following set of SQL functions (that can be used in the ontrack Designer modules, Reports, ebs: intel and so on) that convert dates from infrastructure to institute time zones:
ebs_tz_pkg.ConvertDateTimeInfraToInst - converts a simple date/time data type from an infrastructure time zone to an institute time zone
ebs_tz_pkg.GetDateTimeTZAtInstitute - converts a simple date/time data type into a data type including institute time zone information, optionally converting the original date from the infrastructure time zone
ebs_tz_pkg.GetDateTimeISO - converts a date/time data type including time zone information into an ISO8601 compatible string
Refer to Time Zone Conversion for further information.

When clicking the Imports button on the System ribbon, the system now checks for any new updated schema files in <web services install folder>\Schemas\Admin. New or updated files are downloaded to the client and then files of this type are subsequently available for import.
Service Pack 1

The 'Store client host details in audit access table' institution setting (on the General (Cross System) screen) has been renamed to Store IP Address in audit access table. This setting now determines whether the accessing IP Address is stored. The host name is no longer stored.