General Changes for 4.36
The following general changes have been made for 4.36:

The following institution settings have been added.
Screen | This field | Holds this information... |
General (Cross-System) | Default email address preference |
The default learner email address to send correspondence to in the Correspondence Wizard. Select from the following:
From email display name | The default 'From' email display name. You can also override this field manually if required in the relevant workflow. | |
Reply To email address | The default 'Reply To' email address. You can also override this field manually if required in the relevant workflow. | |
Reply To email display name | The default 'Reply To' email display name. You can also override this field manually if required in the relevant workflow. | |
ILP | Review Introduction Message | The introduction message displayed on the ILP Admin review screen. |
Review Conclusion Message | The conclusion message displayed on the ILP Admin review screen. | |
Ontrack Learner | Apply name capitalisation |
Whether to automatically format name fields in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub with a leading capital letter and the rest lower case when saving a newly created account to the database. For example: if 'Y' is selected, 'John Smith' is saved to the database if the learner enters 'john smith', 'JOHN SMITH', 'JoHn sMiTh', and so on). This also honours name capitalisation rules and exceptions that are used in ebs: central (for example: to avoid 'MacLeod' getting corrected to 'Macleod'). |
Captcha type |
Details for a Captcha which can be implemented onto the user registration screen in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub. You also need to add the Captcha secret key to the website's web.config file. |
Captcha Site key | ||
Default document type for learner photo upload | The document type to save learner photos as that are uploaded on the new My Photos screen in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub. The drop-down is populated with the Document Types reference data. |

The following changes have been made to reference data:
The following reference data screens have been added to record identifiers between ebs entities and third-party system identifiers to help standardise implementations:
Third Party Entity Types
Third Party Systems
The Long Description fields in all reference data screens that contain '(local)' in the name (for example: 'Accommodation (local)') have been extended to a maximum of 120 characters.
ENG The ILR Prior Level (PriorLevel) screen has been added, where you can view output the values from the ILR Return, including Funding Year, Code, Description and Active columns.
ENG The ILR Other Employment Type (ESMType OET) screen has been added, where you can view employment values.