03 March 2025
LLWR Changes for 4.36
The following changes have been made to LLWR for 4.36:

The following tabs have been added to the LLWR Wideboys screen, which allow users to view data prior to submission and address errors on importing validation files:
Employment Period - this tab allows editing of organisations and contacts, and navigation to individual employment/placement records.
Employer - this tab does not allow editing but does allow navigation to individual organisation records.
Employer Contact - this tab does not allow editing but does allow navigation to individual organisation contact records.
The Suspensions tab has also been added. Refer to Suspensions functionality added for further information.

Suspensions functionality has been added so that users can record learner suspension data for the LLWR. It can be managed in the following locations:
The new Suspensions tab in Learner Details
Use the Options section on the Learner ribbon to manage the records.
The new Suspensions tab in LLWR Wideboys

The Employment & Placement screen now has a dual purpose. The original fields and functionality remains the same for recording employment records which are not returned to LLWR, but the following fields have been added so that Work Based Learning records can be created for LLWR returns:
Learning Programme
Enrolment Group
Provider ID
Employer Ref # [ERN]
Contact (that is: employer contact)
Termination Reason (which should only be populated if an End Date is selected)
Delete Flag

The following fields have been added to the Summary tab of a UIO in Curriculum Details, the Programme tab in LLWR Defaults, the Learning Programme Details window in Enrolments and the Learning Programme tab in LLWR Wideboys:
Expected Asynchronous Hours [LP84]
Expected Synchronous Hours [LP85]
Actual Asynchronous Hours [LP86]
Actual Synchronous Hours [LP87]
Welsh Medium Percentage [LP88]
Essential Skills Dispensation [LP89]
The fields are also included in any LLWR record generation processes and output files.
The following fields have also been added to the Organisation Details section of the Organisation screen:
Employer Size
Apprentice Levy

There is a known issue in 4.36 where contacts cannot be added to external organisations.
To work around this:
Change the organisation to 'Internal' (in the Internal/External field in Organisation Details).
Add the contacts, as required.
Change the organisation back to 'External'.
Click Save.
This is not a permanent solution and will be fixed in a later release.
Service Pack 1 Changes
The following changes have been made for 4.36 Service Pack 1:

The LLWR output file has been updated to include the following learner data:
Employer - returned if:
The record's Acceptance Status is 'Pending'
The Employer ID exists in an Employment Period record which has a Programme ID with an associated Provider ID for which the return is being made
Employment Contact - returned if:
The record's Acceptance Status is 'Pending'
The Employer ID and Person Code of the Employment Contact exist in an Employment Period, which has a Programme ID with an associated Provider ID for which the return is being made
Employment Period - returned if the record's Acceptance Status is 'Pending' and the record is linked to a Learning Programme which belongs to the Provider being returned and linked to a Learner which is included in the return
Suspensions - returned if the record's Acceptance Status is 'Accepted' and the record is linked to a Learning Programme which belongs to the Provider being returned and linked to a Learner which is included in the return
The file also includes the amendment counts for each record.

You can now double-click an error or warning in the Error Surfer that will then open the relevant record in the Employer, Employer Periods, Employer Contact or Suspensions wideboy, as appropriate.

When importing a DCELLS-created XMLOutput.XML error file (by clicking the Import button on the System ribbon), errors for Suspensions, Employer Periods, Employers and Employer Contacts are now imported.
Additionally, when importing an error/acceptance file from DCELLS, existing records in the ELWA_ERR_LOGS table are now cleared first.
The following learner data is also now imported:
LN dataset
LP dataset
LA dataset
AW dataset
HE dataset
- Employment Period
- Employer
- Employment Contact
- Suspensions
After submitting new learners who do not have ULI numbers, you must import the ULI file from DCELLS prior to submitting the learners again. If you do not download and import the ULI numbers, the learner record may not be recognised by DCELLS when next included in a return, which will result in dependency errors being returned against child records.

The Create LLWR Delete Files and Delete LLWR records with the delete flag set from the database check boxes have been re-enabled in the Output LLWR section of the LLWR Processing screen.
The following deletion processes have also been updated for Employment Periods and Suspensions:
LLWR Processing Deletion Statistics take these records into account
Run History record the Suspension and Employment period records included in a Delete file and reset the Statistics when a Delete Run has been cancelled
The LLWR Output file’s Deletion Count and Delete records record the Suspension and Employment Period records
Service Pack 2 Changes
The following change has been made for 4.36 Service Pack 2:

The following changes have been made to the LLWR Verifier reference data:
The following verifiers have been added to the REASON Rv Domain:
4 - Personal reasons which result in a period of employment absence e.g. bereavement, caring for a sick relative
5 - Termination of employment (where the contractor is unable to continue the learning programme within centre)
The following verifiers have been added to the TERMINATION_REASON Rv Domain:
4 - Health
5 - Dismissed
6 - Other