Workflow Manager Changes for 4.38
The following changes have been made to Workflow Manager for 4.38:
The following workflow has been added to the Applications folder in the Product Triggers section of Workflow Manager:
Send Interview Cancellation Email
The following workflow has been added to the ILP folder in the Schedule Triggers section of Workflow Manager:
ILP Staff Update
The following workflows have been relocated to the new A2C folder in the Schedule Triggers section of Workflow Manager:
A2C Exams - Disable transport layer for A2C Links that have not requested Centre Setup
A2C Exams - Ping Awarding Organisations
A2C Exams - Process Incoming Messages
A2C Exams - Pull Messages from Awarding Organisations
A2C Exams - Push Messages to Awarding Organisations

You can now modify the behaviour of the Send Progression Email (in the Ontrack category) and Send Progression Actioned email (in the Progressions category) workflows by specifying the relevant code in the EmailAddressPreference value in the GetPersonDataMarshaller activity.
Select from the following codes:
C - College Email only
The EmailAddressPreference value in the GetPersonDataMarshaller activity is set to 'C' by default.
CP - College Email, Personal Email if blank
P - Personal Email only
PC - Personal Email, College Email if blank
If the EmailAddressPreference value in the GetPersonDataMarshaller activity is blank, the value stored in the 'Default email address preference' institution setting is used.