CDR Changes for 4.39
The following changes have been made to CDR for 4.39:

The following fields have been added to the Learner Details screen:
CDR Care Leaver
GCSEs at level A* to C
GCSEs at level D to G
Long Term Destination
Long Term Employment

The HLA Pathway field has been added to the Enrolments Details tab (accessed from the Enrolments module).

The HECOS Code and HLA Pathway fields have been added to the CDR screen (accessed from the relevant UIO on the Curriculum Details screen).

The following change has been made to the CDR Verifier reference data:
The LTDESTINATION (Long Term Destination) field has been updated for the 2022/23 CDR return to the set of two-character values defined by DfE, so that they match values in the DESTINATION field.
The LTEMPLOYMENT (Long Term Employment) field has been updated for the 2022/23 CDR return

The following fields have been added:
The GCSE_A_C, GCSE_D_G and CARE_LEAVER fields have been added to the PEOPLE_CDR table
The HECOS_CODE and HLA_PATHWAY fields have been added to the UIO_CDR table
The INCLUDE_IN_SPACEFTE field has been added to the LOCATIONS table
A flag that defaults to Y which updates the FELS fields has been added to the EXAM_OCCURRENCE_UIOS table
The fields' values are output in the CDR return file.

The Main_Campus field is now populated with 'R22/23', which indicates a retired field, in the 2022/23 CDR return file, following the introduction in 2022-23 of the new SPACE_FTE field to the CDR return.
The following derived fields have been added to the CDR return for 2022-23:
MODE_OF_DELIVERY - full-time, part-time and so on, derived from the existing MOA values
FT_IND - full-time Indicator, derived from the existing STUDENT_MOA
SPACE_FTE - special FTE, derived from TOTAL_S_HRS for daytime learning
PROG_CODE - the derivation of this existing field has been modified so that it does not reference the PL_CODE at the year level

The following validation ruleset changes which have been classed as errors have been made for the 2022/23 academic year.
Validation Rule 319 - Learner indicates a disability but no disability recorded.
Validation Rule 325 - No of GCSEs A*- C. NULL for Traineeship Enrolments.
Validation Rule 326 - No of GCSEs D-G. NULL for Traineeship Enrolments.
Validation Rule 327 - Sexual orientation is missing.
Validation Rule 329 - Programme Pathway invalid for Traineeship enrolments.
Validation Rule 330 - Programme Pathway Date null for Traineeship enrolments.
Validation Rule 331 - Traineeship course but Traineeship Prog Code is null.
Validation Rule 332 - HLA student but Long_Term_Destination is null.
Validation Rule 333 - HLA student but Long_Term_Employment is null.
Validation Rule 334 - HLA student but Long_Term_Destination is invalid.
Validation Rule 335 - HLA student but Long_Term_Employment is invalid.
Validation Rule 336 - Sexual orientation is invalid.
Validation Rule 337 - Care Leaver Null.
Validation Rule 338 - Care Leaver Invalid.

The following validation ruleset changes which have been classed as warnings have been made for the 2022/23 academic year.
Validation Rule 310 - Null value in GCSEMathGrade and EssentialSkillsNumeracy Grade for FT learners.
Validation Rule 311 - Null value in GCSEEnglishGrade and EssentialSkillsNumeracy Grade for FT learners.
Validation Rule 314 - Outcome not known.
Validation Rule 315 - Marital Status Unknown.
Validation Rule 316 - Religious Background Unknown.
Validation Rule 317 - Ethnicity Unknown.
Validation Rule 318 - Domicile Unknown.
Validation Rule 321 - Sexual Orientation Unknown.
Validation Rule 322 - Religious Belief Unknown.
Validation Rule 320 - Nationality Unknown.
Service Pack 1 Changes
The following changes have been made for 4.39 Service Pack 1:

Validation Rule 1 has changed from a warning to an error.
Validation Rule 19 has code 98 added to the valid list.
Validation Rule 21 has code 98 added to the valid list.
Validation Rule 23 has codes 97 and 99 added to the valid list.
Validation Rule 35 has code 98 added to the valid list. Clause 'And Student Disability Code is Not Null' added to the logic.
Validation Rule 81 has codes 23 and 72 added to the valid list and 'Not In' clause.
Validation Rule 84 has new value 72 added in the 'Not In' clause.
Validation Rule 106 has 4 further codes added to the valid list:
16 - Level 2 Apprenticeship
17 - Level 3 Apprenticeship
18 - Level 3 Adv Tech
19 - Other Level 3
Validation Rule 174,'Fee Waiver Code is invalid' is removed [End-dated before] for 2022/23.
Validation Rule 302 has code 98 added to the valid list.

Validation Rule 314 is 'Outcome not Known'
Logic is:
'Final year = '1' and Regulated = '1' and student_status != '4' and (Outcome is null or Outcome = '0' or Outcome =")
Validation Rule 315 is 'Marital Status Unknown'
Logic is:
'marital_status = '99'
Validation Rule 316 is 'Religious Background Unknown'
Logic is:
rel_brought = '6'
Validation Rule 317 is 'Ethnicity Unknown'
Logic is:
Ethnicity in ('00', '99')
Validation Rule 318 is 'Domicile Unknown'
Logic is:
Domicile = '001'
Validation Rule 321 is 'Sexual Orientation Unknown'
Logic is:
Validation Rule 322 is 'Religious Belief Unknown'
Logic is:
Validation Rule 323 is 'Nationality Unknown'
Logic is:

All Validation Rules are to be set to the type 'EC'. With the Start_Academic_Year set to the <2022/23 year>
Validation Rule 319 is 'Learner indicates a Disability but not Disability recorded'
Logic is:
Disability = '1' and (student_disab is null or student_disab = ")
Validation Rule 325 is 'No of GCSEs A*-C Null for Traineeship Enrolments'
Logic is:
<New Field> is null and student_sof = '97'
Validation Rule 326 is 'No of GCSEs D-G null for Traineeship Enrolments'
Logic is:
<New Field> is null and student_sof = '97'
Validation Rule 327 is 'Sexual orientation is missing'
Logic is:
Validation Rule 329 is ‘Programme Pathway invalid for Traineeship enrolments’
Logic is:
Student Type '97' but PROG_FAST_TRACK (Programme Pathway) not in ('01', '02', '03', '04')
Validation Rule is ‘Programme Pathway Date null for Traineeship enrolments with Pathway=Introductory (03) or Referral (04)’
Logic is:
Student Type '97' but PROG_FAST_TRACK (Programme Pathway) in ('03', '04') and programme pathway date is null
Validation Rule 331 is ‘Traineeship course but Traineeship Prog Code is null’
Logic is:
Course Type '97' but PROG_CODE is null
Validation Rule 332 is ‘HLA student but Long_Term_Destination is null’
Logic is:
Student Type'66','69' and course completed (Final Year) but LTDestination is null
Validation Rule 333 is ‘HLA student but Long_Term_Employment is null’
Logic is:
Student Type'66','69' and course completed (Final Year) but LTEmployment is null
Validation Rule 334 is ‘HLA student but Long_Term_Destination is invalid’
Logic is:
Student Type'66','69' but LTDestination not in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19) and Not Null
Validation Rule 335 is ‘HLA student but Long_Term_Employment is invalId
Logic is:
Student Type'66','69' but LTEmployment not in (0,1,8,9) and Not Null
Validation Rule 336 is ‘Sexual Orientation Invalid’
Logic is:
Sexual Orientation not in (01,02,03,04,05,06,07,98,99)
Validation Rule 337 is ‘Care Leaver Null’
Logic is:
Care Leaver is null
Validation Rule 338 is ‘Care Leaver Invalid'
Logic is:
Care Leaver is not in ('0','1','98','99') and is not null

The ebs_CDRGenerateReturn view for field number 175 has been updated to output values '1' or '0' for an MIS Administrator.

The CDR requirements for recording Care Leavers in the CDR Dictionary for 2022/23 have been changed to the following:
The Care Leaver RV_DOMAIN code has been updated to 98 and 99 for the 2022/23 CDR Return.
Click on Reference Data > CDR Verifiers
In Learner Details, scroll down to the CDR Care Leaver field.
The updated CDR Care Leaver codes are now valid.
As part of the transition from the use of CARE_BACKGROUND to CARE_LEAVER a script will be run to populate the new CARE_LEAVER column based on the value in CARE_ BACKGROUND.
Service Pack 2 Changes
The following changes have been made for 4.39 Service Pack 2:

A new institution setting CDR: Default Award Date can be found in Institution Settings > Exams when the INST_TYPE = 'E' and the licence EBSNICDR is active. Otherwise the institution setting will remain hidden.

A new column Default Award Date can be found in Exam Manager > Board Occurrences and on the BOARD_OCCURRENCES table.
A new field Default Award Date can be found in ExamManager > Board Occurrences > Board Occurrences Details and on the BOARD_OCCURRENCES table.

The exams results import process will populate the Award Date if the result imported has a first or second grade but no date given in the file.
Using the following precedence order:
Value in imported file
Institution Setting Default_Award_Date
The exams results import process will populate the Award Date if the result on save if no value has been manually entered and first or second grade has been entered.
Using the following precedence order:
Value in imported file
Institution Setting Default_Award_Date

The new flag Exam results update CDR [Y/N] will be displayed in Curriculum Details > UIO Exams when the INST_TYPE=’E’ and the EBSNICDR licence is Active.
The new flag Exam results update CDR [Y/N] will be displayed in Exams Manager > Curriculum Links when the INST_TYPE=’E’ and the EBSNICDR licence is Active.

The following fields have been extended to allow 10 characters.
FIRST_GRADE & SECOND_GRADE under Exams Manager.

The following columns have been added to the POST and PUT Enrolment Services on the EnrolmentCDRMessage.
The following absent PEOPLE_UNITS_CDR columns have been added to the POST and PUT Enrolment Services on the EnrolmentCDRMessage.

The following Exam Results fields have been added to Enrolment Webservices for CDR.

Select ExamResults Update CDR [Y/N] check box in Curriculum Details > UIOs > Exams > UIO Exam Details.
The First Grade and Second Grade with an Award Date have been added in Exam Manager > Exam Entries > Exam Entry Details.
The first grade and award date have been populated in Enrolments > Enrolments Details.

The new CDR Yearly Valuesbutton is displayed under Reference Data > Exam Grades
Click the CDR Yearly Values button to open the Yearly Values pop up.
The fields on The CDR Yearly Values grid are described in the following table:
This field | Holds this information... |
Academic Year | The academic year. |
Outcome | The outcome. |
Add CDR Yearly Value record
Click on the Add button.
Select the relevant Academic Year and Outcome from the drop-down lists.
You cannot assign multiple Outcomes to the same Academic Year.
Click on Save & Exit button
The Academic Year field cannot be edited after saving.
Duplicate a CDR Yearly Value record
Click on the Duplicate button.
Click on Save & Exit button.
Delete a CDR Yearly Value record
Select an existing record and click on the Delete button.
A confirmation message is displayed.
Click OK the record is deleted.
Click Cancel the record is not deleted.
Discard Changes made to CDR Yearly Values record
Select changes made to an existing record and click on Discard.
A confirmation message is displayed.
Click on Yes the updated details are discarded.
Click on No the updated details remain.

The outcome has been set against an exam grade in Reference Data > Exam Grades > CDR Yearly Values.
The First Grade has been set in Exams Manager > Exam Entries > Exam Entries Details
The Outcome is displayed in Enrolments > Special Details.