LLWR Changes for 4.39
The following changes have been made to LLWR for 4.39:

The LLWR output file has been updated to include the Individual Development Plan (LP90).

The following changes have been made to reference data for LLWR:
The LLWR Individual Development Plan Indicator reference data screen has been added.
The following fields have been changed for the LLWR return for 2022-23
EmailAddress (LN23) - Learner Email Address - field length increased from 100 to 320
EmpName (LP12) - Employer Name - field length increased from 60 to 200 characters
EmployerName - Employer Name - field length increased from 60 to 200 characters to match LP12
EmployerContact - Employer Contact Email - field length increased from 40 to 320 characters to match LN23

The Individual Development Plan (LP90) field has been added to the Learner Programme Details screen.

The following change has been made to LLWR Wideboys:
The Individual Development Plan (LP90) field has been added to the Learning Programme tab.

An error message (for example: LP90.1 IDPCode must be in Welsh Government valid entry list at the start of the programme) is now displayed in the Error Surfer when invalid Learner Programme data is imported.
Select the relevant error message, then click the Programme button to navigate to the Learning Programme tab in LLWR Wideboys.