Safeguarding 4.40
The Safeguarding module has been added to ebs: ontrack Hub.
The Safeguarding module is made up of three different elements. What an ebs: ontrack Hub user sees, depends on their role.

Users with the new Safeguarding licence can access the Safeguarding Admin screen by clicking the Safeguarding Admin option in the left-hand panel in ebs: ontrack Hub.
Administrators can use the Safeguarding Admin screen to do the following:
Categories - create and edit categories for records, notes and meetings.
KPIs - create and edit Key Performance Indicators, these can be applied to notes to quickly share feedback.
Distributions Lists - create, edit and delete recipient groups.
Record Templates - create, edit and delete record templates.
Note Templates - create, edit and delete note templates.
Notifications - manage staff notifications .

Tutors can access the Safeguarding Tutor screen by clicking the Safeguarding Tutor option in the left-hand panel in ebs: ontrack Hub.
Tutors can use the Safeguarding Tutor screen to:-
View Safeguarding Messages that have been shared with them. Urgent reports will be flagged to ensure they are prioritised.
Add notes and records about safeguarding concerns using templates.
Tutors will also be notified on the homepage as soon as they receive any safeguarding messages. Clicking on the Safeguarding button will take them to the same page as the Safeguarding Tutor link in the left hand menu.

Students now have access to a new inbox. This can be accessed by selecting My Support from the left hand menu.
Students can use the inbox to:-
View messages and notes that have been shared with them.
Add notes or records about concerns for themselves or others.
Students will also be notified on the homepage as soon as they receive any safeguarding messages. Clicking on the Supportbutton will take them to the same page as the My Support link in the left hand menu.