CDR Changes for 4.42
The following changes have been made to the CDR module for 4.42:
Fields have been added or updated in Central to allow for the 2023-24 return.
New Fields
Client Id
Participant Id
Social Inclusion Course
Learner Support Funding
Fields that are now dropdown menus
Has Disability
Fields moved from Learner Details to Enrolments
Long Term Destination has been moved from Learner Details to Enrolments
Long Term Employment has been moved from Learner Details to Enrolments
Fields have been added or updated in the CDR output to allow for the 2023-24 return.
New Fields
Learner Support Funding
Client Id
Participant Id
Social Inclusion Course
Updated to CDR Output fields
There is change in the way Fee Waivers are processed. If not recorded at 'Q' the output is now recorded as ‘Y’ level.
Changes for Service Pack 1
Qualification Numbers for learners are now visible on the Learner Manager Enrolments screen.
All dates for funding years will now use a standard format
ex. 1st September 2023 would be 01-Sep-2023
Created a nightly scheduled workflow to update UNIT_INSTANCE_OCCURRENCES.YEAR_OF_UNIT in ebs for those UIOs that span more than 1 academic year so that the derived FINAL_YR value is calculated correctly.
New Validation Rules added
Validation Rule 183 is 'TOTAL_S_HRS are 0'
Logic is:
Type is W
Validation Rule 271 is 'Ukrainian migrant but scheme is invalid'
Logic is:
immigration_status = 'B' AND vprs NOT in valid list (0,A,B,C)
Type is EC
Validation Rule 272 is 'Afghan migrant but scheme is invalid'
Logic is:
immigration_status = 'C' AND vprs NOT in valid list (0,D,E)
Type is EC
Validation Rule 273 is 'Syrian refugee but VPRS flag is invalid'
Logic is:
immigration_status = 'R' AND county_of_birth = 757 Syria AND vprs NOT in valid list (0,1)
Type is EC
Validation Rule 274 is 'Refugee but VPRS/migrant scheme is invalid'
Logic is:
immigration_status = 'R' AND county_of_birth <> 757 AND vprs in (0,1,A,B,C,D,E)
Type is EC
Validation Rule 275 is 'Asylum seeker but VPRS/migrant scheme is invalid'
Logic is:
immigration_status in (A) AND vprs in (0,1,A,B,C,D,E)
Validation Rule 276 is 'Neither an asylum seeker, migrant, nor a refugee but vprs/migrant scheme is invalid'
Logic is:
immigration_status in (N) AND vprs in (0,1,A,B,C,D,E)
Type is EC
Validation Rule 277 is 'VPRS/migrant scheme but immigration status is null'
Logic is:
vprs in (0,1,A,B,C,D,E) AND immigration_status is null
Type is EC
Validation Rule 339 is 'Course title contains "ESOL" and subject code not in Q374, Q375'
Logic is:
Course title contains "ESOL" and subject code not in Q374, Q375
Type is W
Validation Rule 340 is 'Nationality/Country of Birth is invalid'
Logic is:
Country of birth not one of the active DD values and is not null
Type is W
Validation Rule 341 is 'Nationality/Country of Birth is missing'
Logic is:
Country of birth is null
Type is W
Validation Rule 342 is 'HECOS Code is missing'
Logic is:
LVL >= 4 and HECOS is null
Type is EC
Validation Rule Changes
Rule 6 - Description changed to ‘Student Forename contains invalid characters’.
Rule 19- Removed ‘0’ and ‘06’ from valid list.
Rule 21- Removed ‘0’ from valid list.
Rule 23- Removed 00 and 09 from valid list.
Rule 81 - Added 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 to valid list.
Rule 84 - Added 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 to valid list
Rule 106 - Added ‘20’ (Level 2 Traineeship) to valid list and removed '1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'.
Rule 138 - Changed from W to EC
Rule 174- Added 10, 11, 12, 13, 14to valid list and removed ‘1’.
Rule 310 - Added '20' to valid list.
Rule 318 - Removed '001' from valid list and added '806' and '808'.
Rule 319- Amend rule criteria to check value ‘01’ rather than ‘1’.
Rule 321 - Removed '99' from valid list.
Rule 329- Added '05' Apprenticeship to valid list.
Rule 330- Description updated to 'Programme Pathway Date null for Traineeship enrolments with Referral (04) or Apprenticeship (05)' and Added ‘05’ to valid list and removed '03'.
Rule 331- Amended rule criteria to give precedence to Student Type 97 over Course Type 97 and include STUDENT_MOA ‘01’.
Rule 332 - Validation set to inactive by default.
Rule 333 - Validation set to inactive by default.
Rule 334 - Amend rule criteria to match double digit codes in DD.
Rule 336- Removed ‘06', '07' & '98' from valid list and added '97'.