Changes to ILP for 4.42
The following changes have been made to the ILP module for 4.42:
ILP Admin
A number of improvements have been made to the UI to make the screens easier to use.
ILP Manager
A new ILP manager screen has been added for those with the ILP Manager Role.
The screens to view ILPS / Reviews / Targets have been moved to the Manager section from the Tutor section.
The home page now shows a list of all the open ILPs and a link to a new screen to search for closed ILPs.
A new ILP Overview screen has been added. It contains KPI/Summary information.
A new learner overview / history screen has been added.
A new screen to for reopening ILP Targets and Reviews has been added.
If an person is both and ILP Manager and an ILP tutor, their tutor screen will now only display the information relating to their own learners and ILPs.
ILP Tutor Changes
All tutors now have access to the learner search page from a link in the ILP Tutor home page.
Inside the learner search there is a new learner overview and history screen. This lists all the reviews and targets for each learner.
Private reviews have been added as well as a new setting to give learners the ability to complete reviews without submitting for approval.
The target dashboard now shows all targets for a learner, including personal targets, targets set by other staff and targets across all ILPs - this includes ILPs to which the current tutor is not attached.
The review home page now lists the staff which can complete a review.