03 March 2025

CDR changes 4.43

The following changes have been made for 4.43:

New Validation Rules

  • Validation Rule 183 is 'TOTAL_S_HRS are 0'

    Logic is:

    TOTAL_S_HRS = 0

    Type is W

  • Validation Rule 271 is 'Ukrainian migrant but scheme is invalid'

    Logic is:

    immigration_status = 'B' AND vprs NOT in valid list (0,A,B,C)

    Type is EC

  • Validation Rule 272 is 'Afghan migrant but scheme is invalid'

    Logic is:

    immigration_status = 'C' AND vprs NOT in valid list (0,D,E)

    Type is EC

  • Validation Rule 273 is 'Syrian refugee but VPRS flag is invalid'

    Logic is:

    immigration_status = 'R' AND county_of_birth = 757 Syria

    AND vprs NOT in valid list (0,1)

    Type is EC

  • Validation Rule 274 is 'Refugee but VPRS/migrant scheme is invalid'

    Logic is:

    immigration_status = 'R' AND county_of_birth <> 757

    AND vprs NOT in (0,1)

    Type is EC

  • Validation Rule 275 is 'Asylum seeker but VPRS/migrant scheme is invalid'

    Logic is:

    immigration_status in (A) AND vprs NOT in (0)

    Type is EC

  • Validation Rule 276 is 'Neither an asylum seeker, migrant, nor a refugee but vprs/migrant scheme is invalid'

    Logic is:

    immigration_status in (N) AND vprs in (1,A,B,C,D,E)

    Type is EC

  • Validation Rule 277 is 'VPRS/migrant scheme but immigration status is null'

    Logic is:

    vprs in (0,1,A,B,C,D,E) AND immigration_status is null

    Type is EC

  • Validation Rule 339 is 'Course title contains "ESOL" and subject code not in Q374, Q375'

    Logic is:

    Course title contains "ESOL" and subject code not in Q374, Q375

    Type is W

  • Validation Rule 340 is 'Nationality/Country of Birth is invalid'

    Logic is:

    Country of birth not one of the active DD values and is not null

    Type is W

  • Validation Rule 341 is 'Nationality/Country of Birth is missing'

    Logic is:

    Country of birth is null

    Type is W

  • Validation Rule 342 is 'HECOS Code is missing'

    Logic is:

    LVL >= 4 and HECOS is null

    Type is EC

Validation Rule Changes

  • Rule 6 - Changed description to ‘Student Forename contains invalid characters’

  • Rule 19- Removed ‘0’ and ‘06’ from validation rule.

  • Rule 21- Removed ‘0’ from validation rule.

  • Rule 23- Removed '00' and '09' from validation rule

  • Rule 81 - Added '73', '74', '75', '76', '77' from the rule criteria.

  • Rule 84 - Added '73', '74', '75', '76', '77' from the rule criteria.

  • Rule 106 - Added ‘20’ to rule criteria and removed '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'.

  • Rule 138 -Type changed from W to EC

  • Rule 174- Added '10', '11', '12', '13', '14' to rule criteria and emoved ‘1’.

  • Rule 310 - Added '20' to the valid list

  • Rule 318 - Added '806' and '808' to valid list and removed '001'

  • Rule 319 - Amended rule criteria to check value ‘01’ rather than ‘1’.

  • Rule 321 - Removed '99' from the valid list.

  • Rule 323 - Amended '99' to '782'

  • Rule 324 - Added '14' and '15' to valid list and removed '11'

  • Rule 329- Added '05' to rule criteria

  • Rule 330-

    • Added “or Apprenticeship (05)” to validation description.

    • Added programme pathway ‘05’ (Apprenticeship) to rule criteria.

    • Removed "Introductory (03) or" from validation description.

    • Removed Introductory (03) from rule criteria.

  • Rule 332 - Validation set to inactive by default

  • Rule 333 - Validation set to inactive by default

  • Rule 334 - Amended rule criteria to match double digit codes

  • Rule 336 - Added '97', and removed '06', '07' and '98' from valid list