SDR Changes 4.43
The following change has been made to the SDR module for 4.43 in Service Pack 2:
Options are now available throughout ebs to produce the 2024 returns.
The following reference data screens have been added:
Disability Status
ITE Sector
ITE Subject
Return Type
The following changes have been made to existing reference data:
In the Country of Citizenshipreference data, we have added the following options.
AIA - Anguilla
BMU - Bermuda
BTN - Bhutan
CYM - Cayman Islands
HKG - Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region)
MAC - Macau (Special Administrative Region
VGB -Virgin Islands, British
999 - Not Stated
In the Ethnicity reference data we have added the following data.
400 - Asian nfd
944 - Don't Know
955 - Refused to Answer
966 - Repeated Value
977 - Response Unidentifiable
988 - Response Outside Scope
In Gender reference data the descriptions have been updated as follows
M - Male / Tāne
F - Female / Wahine
D - Another gender / He ira kē anō
In Gender reference data the descriptions have been updated as follows
M - Male / Tāne
F - Female / Wahine
D - Another gender / He ira kē anō
In Intramural Extramural Attendance reference data the previous values have been removed and replaced with the following:
5 - Intramural and residing in New Zealand
6 - Extramural/Synchronous and residing in New Zealand
7 - Extramural/Asynchronous and residing in New Zealand
8 - Intramural and residing overseas
9 - Extramural/Synchronous and residing overseas
10 - Extramural/Asynchronous and residing overseas
In Iwi Affiliation reference data the following changes have been made:
Codes 4000 and 6000 have been removed.
The following codes have been added
0121 - Ngāti Kahu ki Whangaroa
4444 - Don't Know
7777 - Response Unidentifiable
The following codes have been updated
0805 - Ngāruahine
2311 - Te Waipounamu Region, Iwi not named
In Schools reference data the following fields have been added or amended:
603 - KingsGate School
961 - Te Paepae o Aotea
1585 - St Anthony's School (Wanganui)
3612 - Mangakotukutuku College
3618 - Te Kura a Iwi o Ngati Kauwhata
3619 - Te Kapehu Whetu
3620 - Pinnacle Global Academy
3625 - Maruawai College
3630 - Elim Christian College (Mt Albert)
6948 - Albany Junior High School
6962 - Te Wharekura o Mauao
6963 - Papamoa College
6975 - Garin College
6977 - Hobsonville Point Secondary School
In Postcodes reference data the following data has been added:
In Support Needs Types reference data the following fields have been added:
1 - Access to assistive technology (e.g., for reading, writing, communication) .
2 - Accessible format resources for course content.
3 - Mobility and transport (e.g., navigator support to help movement around campus, mobility carparks, personal emergency evacuation plan).
4 - New Zealand Sign Language Interpreter.
5 - Support with reading, writing, and communicating in learning sessions, exams, and assessments.
6 - Other learning or disability support.
7 - No, I do not need support at this time.
Two new columns have been added to the General tab of the UI details page to allow completion of details required for the DSR. These are:
Discounted Course Tuition Fee
Disc. Compulsory Course Costs Fee
Seven new columns have been added to the Learner Details page to allow completion of details required for the DSR. These are:
Iwi Affiliation 4 (SDR)
Iwi Affiliation 5 (SDR)
Iwi Affiliation 6 (SDR)
Ethnicity 4 (SDR)
Ethnicity 5 (SDR)
Ethnicity 6 (SDR)
Disability Status (SDR)
Sixnew columns have been added to the Enrolment Details page to allow completion of details required for the DSR. These are:
Consortium (SDR)
ITE Sector (SDR)
ITE Subject 1 (SDR)
ITE Subject 2 (SDR)
ITE Subject 3 (SDR)
ITE Subject 4 (SDR)
Service Pack 3 Updates
A new role has been added in Central User Management. The ebs: central Support Needs role can be used to control which users can see and edit disability support needs of learners.
Manage Support Needs, allows users to create, edit, and delete.
View Support Needs, allows user view only access.
When creating an SDR return users can now choose if they wish to create the return using the old format or the new DSR format. The option Return Type has been added to the Data Processing section of the SDR screen. The Return drop down updates to offer only relevant return sets for the chosen return type.
Returns created using the DSR Return Type are produced to meet the new DSR output requirements.
The output files are in a CSV format with the following parameters.
With list rows, where each row contains values separated by commas. The first row of the .CSV file contains the column titles. These describe the data in each column. eg.
Provider Code,Student Identification Code,Gender,Name ID Code
1234,5678901234,1,LEE A 2345,3567892345,2,VAN M
If there are commas in data, then the data is enclosed in double quotes. eg.
Gender,Name ID Code
2,"JR, A"
Numbers do NOT have commas
Columns with multiple entries e.g Iwi, ethnicity are separated by semi-colon. eg.
Name ID Code,Ethnicity
"JR, A",111;121;129,
The output files are named as follows:
Learner file - LEAR[Providercode].csv
Course Register - REGT[Providercode].csv
Course Enrolment File - ENRL[Providercode].csv
Course Completion File - COURCOMP[Providercode].csv
Qualification Completion File - QUALCOMP[Providercode].csv
When completing the return for DSR 2024 the following fields are included in the output:
DISAB_SUPPORT_NEEDS (up to 7 concatenated with semi-colon)
DISC_COURSE_TUITION_FEE (with 2 decimal places)
DISC_COMPULSORY_CRS_COST_FEE (with 2 decimal places)
When completing the return for DSR 2024 the following fields are no longer included in the output:
DSA Indicator field
Disability Indicator
Fees Free Eligibility Indicator
Stage of Pre-Service Teacher Education Qualification
Internet Based learning indicator
Embedded Literacy and Numeracy Flag
When completing the return for DSR 2024 the following fields are have been updated in the output:
Date of Birth format is now DD/MM/YYYY (was DDMMYYY)
IWI AFFILIATION (up to 6 concatenated with semi-colon)
ETHNICITY (up to 6 concatenated with semi-colon)
Total Fee for Domestic Student is output with 2 decimal places
Maxima Exempt Fee is output with 2 decimal places
Tuition fee paid by international fee paying student is output with 2 decimal places
Course Tuition Fee is output with 2 decimal places
Tuition fee paid by international fee paying student is output with 2 decimal places
Compulsory Course Costs Fee is output with 2 decimal places