Safeguarding changes 4.43
The following changes have been made for 4.43:
Safeguarding managers now have the ability to delete records. This allows you to keep only current and relevant records. To ensure that records are not removed accidentally a reason is require before the record can be deleted.
A new amend access button has been added to learner records. This button gives Safeguarding Admins the ability to control exactly who has access to a record after it has been created. When making a change like this a reason must be given before the change can be made.
For instance if a staff member has access to a record when it is not appropriate they can now be specifically removed using this functionality.
To make it easier to find the correct learner creating a record or searching, learner pictures will now appear when you hover over a learner's name.
To make it easier for learners to make reports about other learners we have added a filter to the learner search. Selecting the filter will only show learners on the same course.