Central Changes for 4.44
The following changes have been made for 4.44:
More filters have been added to the enrolments tab. As well as filtering Attainments and Enrolments by Current Year, you can now also apply UI Level filters. It is possible to apply more than one filter at a time to get down to the specific records you require.
A new UIO Staff tab has been added to Curriculum Manager to make it easier to set up and manage curriculums. In this tab you can add, edit, view, and flood fill UIO staff details.
In the Interviews screen additional columns have been added to allow you to sort interviews. The columns that have been added are:
Owning Organisation
Offering Organisation
In the Interviews screen when you check to see how many learners are assigned to an interview slot, the number returned no longer includes interviews that are recorded as cancelled. This makes it easier to see how full an interview slot actually is.
Curriculum Planner
In Curriculum Planner when a user looks at a plan there are more columns available. These columns provide the information needed to make it easier to see all the data to plan and verify T-level calculation.
Added Columns:-
Study Location
Mode of Attendance
Number of Active Enrolments
Programme Type
Planned Hours
Planned EEP Hours
Sector Framework
Funding Model
Funding Source
Apprenticeship Standard Code
ACL Provision Type
AFL Provision Type
Groups (this shows the number of active groups as set in Curriculum Details)
In Curriculum Planner when a user looks at a plan and selects young person view there are more columns available. These columns provide more information for T Level planning and allow for the collection of the data needed for T-Level Calculations.
Added Columns:-
Programme Type
Planned Hours
Sector Framework
In Curriculum Planner Roll on/Roll off screen users can now choose to calculate the values using # of learners instead of just % Profile. There is a drop down to switch between these options.
In ontrack Designer you can now add minimum and maximum date properties to Date fields. This allows users to change the boundaries as needed for the input to these fields.
In ontrack designer users now have the ability to add additional regular expression validation rules to allow for bespoke page validation.
eg checking that an email address follows the expected pattern to be accepted. -
Users can now set up a cookies policy page to show in ontrack Hub and ontrack Prospect. This page can be configured in ontrack Designer. The screen is found under General.
Icons can now be added to controls inside designer. The icons can be selected from a drop down in designer. The image list uses the Google Material icon library.
The email control has been updated to support messages of up to 5000 characters.
A new chart type has been added to the angular control menu - the Linear Gauge. With the linear gauge you can view your data on a horizontal chart, with a threshold mark and an indicator to show the position of the data relative to the threshold value.
A message can now be added to the Progress Indicator control. This message can be made into a clickable link. This means learners can be provided with extra information or links under different steps of their progress indicator on their homepage.
It is now possible to copy the SQL from a data link. As long as the contents are considered valid the copy button will be functional. When selected it will copy the code to the clipboard, while changing it to a format that can be used in other tools such as tool such as Sql Server Management studio.
A new calendar control has been added - EvoCalendar. This takes events from shape and displays them for the learner. You can control if an event is shown on this calendar using the Event Type reference data. The colour of the icons shown is also taken from the same place.
Workflow Manager
For clarity we have separated the workflow for clearing application and enrolment data. A new workflow Remove Incomplete Application Links has been added. By default this workflow runs at 2am and clears incomplete applications after 14 days of inactivity.
Relevant workflows have been updated to take into account the learning aim date calculating funding rate.